Tag: Yom Kippur

The discussion revolves around the importance of truly caring about Shabbos beyond just observing it by default.
The letter writer expresses hurt that their non-Jewish friends do not acknowledge Jewish holidays while they go out of their way to recognize Christmas and Easter.
The author describes their journey through grief after their mother's death, reflecting on their relationship with her and their struggle to write following her passing.
The Manhattan courthouse where jurors deliberated Donald Trump's case has several Jewish connections.
During the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865, Jews, though a minority in the population, played a significant role with approximately 10,000 Jewish men serving on both the Union and Confederate sides.
Comedians and educators Joel Chasnoff and Benji Lovitt, authors of Israel 201, along with Moment Editor Sarah Breger, delve into the intricacies of everyday life in Israel, exploring unique stories that often go unnoticed.
Comedians and educators Joel Chasnoff and Benji Lovitt, along with Moment editor Sarah Breger, discuss everyday life in Israel, including biking on Yom Kippur, Jerusalem's stray cat dilemma, and Israeli bluntness in a chat encompassing stories not typically covered in the news.
Robin Weigert, known for her role in Hulu's Holocaust drama "We Were the Lucky Ones," discusses her deep connection to her character Nechuma and Jewish traditions in an interview.
In Parashat Acharei Mot, the sacrificial ritual for Yom Kippur is introduced, referencing the tragic death of Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, during their ordination into the priesthood.
Yizkor is a communal memorial service held four times a year in Jewish synagogues, including Passover, reflecting on the memory of loved ones.
In this heartfelt account, a woman reminisces about her mother's special tradition of making Streits Matzo Ball soup mix for Passover, despite typically relying on semi-prepared foods.
The author reflects on her experience attending her first Yizkor service in 1982 as a child and her more recent attendance following her mother's death in 2023.
Amy Ettinger, a writer and creative writing instructor, passed away at 49 after battling cancer.
The author reflects on their journey with fasting in Judaism, initially finding it spiritually meaningful but later struggling with the influence of diet culture, leading to disordered eating habits.
The author reflects on their experience with fasting in Judaism, initially finding deep spiritual meaning in it but later grappling with its association with diet culture and body image issues.
Many synagogues have adjusted their services after October 7th in response to the conflict in Israel by adding prayers like Avinu Malkeinu and select chapters of Tehillim to express solidarity, hope for hostages' safe return, and peace.
"The High Holy Days are a reminder of the preciousness and fragility of life. They begin with Rosh Hashanah and end with Yom Kippur, prompting us to reflect on our mortality. Sometimes, tragic events in our community make us even more aware of life's vulnerability. The death of a child is especially devastating and upends the natural order of things. In times of grief, we can turn to ancient Jewish stories for guidance. One story teaches us to mourn the devastation but not to live in perpetual deprivation. We can find joy in the midst of suffering. Another story reminds us that even in moments of great joy, we should not forget the heartache and suffering that exist in the world. Both stories invite us to hold both grief and joy, acknowledging that every moment is filled with pain and possibility."
This article discusses the history and significance of pumpkins in Jewish culinary traditions.
Shemini Atzeret marks the end of the Succot festival and reflects on the celebration of the Temple's inauguration in Jerusalem by King Solomon.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron engage in discussing two significant topics, including a religious conflict in Tel Aviv on Yom Kippur and the legacy of a bloody war that took place in Israel fifty years ago.
In this podcast episode titled "Hunka Hunka Burning Parliament," the focus is on the post-Yom Kippur repentance fest and the resignation of Speaker of the House of Commons, Anthony Rota, who apologized for inviting a Nazi into Parliament.
This article discusses a vegetable stew for couscous recipe that is perfect for the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.
Tel Aviv's Dizengoff Square became a battleground for religion and gender segregation on Yom Kippur due to a failed response from the Israeli police and the Tel Aviv municipality.
The Gemara raises the question of how Moshe, who wrote the Torah, could have written the final eight verses that describe his own death.
Succos, known as the Days of Joy, comes after a period of intense repentance during the High Holidays.