
Arielle Dombasle is a versatile artist known for her talents in singing, acting, directing, and more, considered a gay icon and muse by many.
In Disney's "Wish," the protagonist Asha is not explicitly identified as Jewish, but the character is Jewish-coded through her interactions, including using Hebrew terms like "Saba" for grandfather and greeting others with "Shalom."
Zilka Joseph, an Indian Jewish poet, explores themes of memory, belonging, and her community's history in her poetry collection, focusing on the Bene Israel community's unique heritage and culinary traditions.
Folkways Records, founded by Jewish entrepreneur Moses Asch with encouragement from Albert Einstein, was a unique and influential label in the 1940s and 1950s.
This recipe is inspired by Satay Chicken, the national dish of Indonesia and Malaysia, incorporating similar flavors in a simplified cooked dish.
As Jewish communal spaces such as synagogues and Judaica stores face challenges like closures and declining engagement, there is a growing concern about the loss of these important third spaces where Jews gather beyond home and work.
Marxfest celebrated the legacy of the Marx Brothers with over two dozen events, drawing fans from various locations to honor Groucho, Harpo, Chico, and sometimes Zeppo Marx.
Matisyahu, a singer/songwriter known for his hit song "One Day," discussed his musical and religious journey during a Zoominar as part of The Pulse: Moments That Matter series.
Journalist Reuven Fenton's debut novel "Goyhood" explores the story of Martin Belkin, an Orthodox Jewish man who discovers in middle age that he is not Jewish according to rabbinic law.
Ken Burns delivered a commencement speech at Brandeis University, urging the power of stories to generate empathy and challenge assumptions, while highlighting the significance of Yiddish and Isaac Bashevis Singer in American culture.
This text provides a recipe for tarragon and lemon spatchcocked chicken with charred red onions and chicory, serving four people with a preparation time of 15-20 minutes and a cooking time of 45 minutes to an hour.
The text discusses a new cookbook titled "The Jewish Holiday Table" that features diverse Jewish recipes and personal essays from around the world.
The author reflects on their struggles with self-image and beauty standards, having been told they weren't conventionally pretty as a teenager.
Denis Hirson's memoir, "My Thirty-Minute Bar Mitzvah," delves into his complex relationship with his Jewish identity, upbringing in apartheid South Africa, and his father's unexpected political activism.
This recipe features braised chicken legs and wings with almonds, olives, raisins, and preserved lemon, offering a balance of sweet, salty, and savory flavors.
The book "For Women and Girls Only: Reshaping Jewish Orthodoxy through the Arts in the Digital Age" by Dr. Jessica Roda explores how Orthodox Jewish women have utilized the Internet and social media to pursue artistic endeavors while navigating Halakhic observance.
Steph and Ayesha Curry recently welcomed their fourth child, Caius Chai Curry.
Following the trauma of Oct. 7, author Gila Green found inspiration in a workshop hosted by Writing on the Wall, an online community focused on Jewish and Israeli life complexities.
At dawn on October 7, 2023, in Sinai, a family enjoys their last day of vacation.
Jewish model Sofia Richie Grainge, married to Jewish record producer Elliot Grange, welcomed their daughter Eloise Samantha Grange, following the tradition of naming a child after a deceased loved one.
This recipe for Herbed Dijon-Maple Chicken involves a flavorful rub and herb blend to enhance the taste of the dish.
La Tomatina is an annual festival in Buol, Spain, where participants engage in the world's largest food fight using overripe tomatoes.
In this YouTube video, Sam Aronow celebrates reaching 50k subscribers by hosting a Q&A session covering trivia, sharing opinions and expertise, discussing video-making processes, and revealing future plans.
To celebrate Shabbat UK, a quick and tasty recipe for superfast pea soup with lemon crème fraiche and sumac is shared, requiring minimal hands-on time and perfect for a spring Shabbat meal.
Maya Arad reminisces about her childhood in Kibbutz Nachal Oz, recalling a prank orchestrated by her daughter's inventive father during a bonfire celebration where he pretended they had ventured into Gaza.

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