
La Tomatina is an annual festival in Buol, Spain, where participants engage in the world's largest food fight using overripe tomatoes.
In this YouTube video, Sam Aronow celebrates reaching 50k subscribers by hosting a Q&A session covering trivia, sharing opinions and expertise, discussing video-making processes, and revealing future plans.
To celebrate Shabbat UK, a quick and tasty recipe for superfast pea soup with lemon crème fraiche and sumac is shared, requiring minimal hands-on time and perfect for a spring Shabbat meal.
Maya Arad reminisces about her childhood in Kibbutz Nachal Oz, recalling a prank orchestrated by her daughter's inventive father during a bonfire celebration where he pretended they had ventured into Gaza.
The video discusses the significance of Lag BaOmer, a Jewish holiday commemorated with bonfires and dancing, emphasizing themes of unity and mysticism.
The recipe describes how to make a Choc Chip Cheesecake Pie with a tahini and vanilla flavored pastry.
The text discusses the reintroduction of Asiatic wild asses in Israel's Negev desert, where they play a crucial ecological role by dispersing seeds.
The Etgar Quiz no 270 featured questions on Jewish knowledge and technology.
This recipe provides a simple way to barbecue salmon by wrapping it in foil, allowing the fish to stay moist and absorb marinade flavors.
The article discusses the Jewish ritual of upsherin, where 3-year-old boys receive their first haircut in a ceremony that symbolizes the transition from infancy to childhood.
The recipe provided is for everything bagel spice focaccia, serving 12-16 people and requiring basic ingredients like yeast, flour, semolina flour, everything bagel spice, water, and olive oil.
The recipe for Chicken Shishlik calls for marinating chicken in a mixture of ingredients including lamb fat for added flavor before threading it on skewers with onions.
In a discussion reflecting on the importance of patriotism and traditional values in a postmodern world driven by emotions, the text emphasizes the significance of emotional connections to heritage, tradition, and moral codes.
In celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month, a list of 17 appetizing kids' books about Jewish food is highlighted, ranging from Ashkenazi classics to diverse mash-ups like Asian and Mexican cuisines.
On the 100th anniversary of Franz Kafka's death, new translations of his diaries by Ross Benjamin offer fresh perspectives on the iconic Jewish writer's life and work, challenging previous assumptions.
The final season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," which concluded after 24 years, marked the end of an era for American Jewish comedy represented by Larry David and his generation of comedians.
The author bids farewell to their fashion column, noting the rapid turnover of trends accelerated by social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok.
Exploring lesser-known aspects of the Hasidic Jewish community and their spiritual teachings.
This recipe shares a unique twist on preparing salmon by using an Everything Bagel blend to create a flavorful crust.
This recipe for pea, mint, and toasted pine nut dip offers a fresh and colorful dish that is easy to prepare.
A high school sophomore, Samantha Alexander, navigated her Jewish identity while directing Fiddler on the Roof at Abington Senior High School in Pennsylvania amidst global events affecting Jews.
Amanda Pogany, the director of a Jewish day school in Brooklyn, became a consultant for Sesame Street, providing input on episodes that showcase Jewish traditions such as making challah for Shabbat and celebrating intercultural aspects like Cuban and Jewish heritage.
In this article, an encounter is described between a rabbi and staff at an Israeli bank, where despite the staff not being religiously observant, they eagerly request and appreciate the rabbi's blessing.
In Chapter 5 of "Picture This," Yonah Rosen reflects on marriage advice given at a celebration and struggles with his meticulous time management being disrupted on a trip with his wife, Estee.
"Chances Are," a 1989 movie starring Robert Downey Jr., is seen as a modern take on Talmudic themes.

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