Jewish Law

This text tells the story of a woman named Adina who is trapped in her marriage and unable to obtain a get, a Jewish divorce document, from her husband.
Loving Leah, a Hallmark romance film, is a surprisingly charming and meticulously detailed portrayal of Jewish life.
Rabbi Jules Harlow, the editor of Siddur Sim Shalom, the standard prayer book used in North American Conservative synagogues for a quarter century, has passed away at the age of 92.
This article covers various questions about brachot (blessings) in Jewish law.
In these two poems from "Knock-knock," Owen Lewis explores Jewish themes and questions.
The author reflects on the concept of helping others and its potential harm.
Dr. Miri Freud-Kandel's new book delves into the life and legacy of Rabbi Louis Jacobs, a prominent UK Jewish scholar who challenged Orthodox doctrine by asserting that the Torah was not directly dictated by God.
The Etgar Quiz no 258 covers various Jewish-themed questions.
The author reflects on the lack of understanding and explanation about why Judaism is remarkable, particularly outside of its religious and Zionist aspects.
In this Shiur, the hosts explore various fears that people commonly experience and discuss strategies for overcoming them.
In a recent conversation on the Tikvah Podcast, Yehuda Halper and host Jonathan Silver discuss Moses Maimonides' philosophical masterpiece, "The Guide of the Perplexed" (Moreh ha Nevukhim).
The Talmud offers advice on sex that challenges common stereotypes about religion being anti-sex.
As the author helps his 89-year-old mother move into their home, he reflects on the challenges of lifting heavy boxes filled with Jewish prayer books, which strain his back, contrasting Jewish prayer postures with his physical struggles.
In this discussion on the Parashah of the week, Mishpatim, the emphasis is on the importance of not rushing to judgment without verifying facts.
Hamas has offered to return Israeli captives in exchange for a near-total dismantling of the IDF's military presence in Gaza, posing a dilemma for Israel between self-defense and the Jewish imperative of redeeming captives.
A recent survey by JPR sheds light on the state of the Jewish community in Britain, revealing a dual narrative where a strictly Orthodox population maintains traditional practices alongside a more diverse group embracing cultural over religious identity.
Philo of Alexandria, a contemporary of Hillel and Shammai, is a figure in Jewish history whose unique position and enduring relevance deserve attention.
The author expresses sympathy for the Conservative movement's dilemma regarding intermarriage, but argues that the movement's own actions and lack of emphasis on Torah observance have contributed to the high intermarriage rate among non-Orthodox Jews.
Dr. Yehuda Sabiner, a Gerrer Chasid and pediatrician, shares his unique journey combining Halacha, Chasidus, and medicine.
Exploring the nuances of civil laws and delving into the distinctions between mothers and fathers in Jewish tradition.
In this thought-provoking piece, the author reflects on the disparity between the language of Jewish prayer and the attitudes of the Jewish people.
The National Library of Israel has received a significant donation of Yemenite Jewish manuscripts.
In a podcast episode discussing the power of personal narratives in shaping perspectives, Beth Perkel delves into the story of Jethro, often overlooked in Jewish tradition, highlighted in the Torah portion read recently.
JChef is a kosher meal kit delivery service founded by Gabriel Saul, a kosher diner himself.
The Chosen, a TV show about the life of Jesus, has become a surprise hit in the U.S., even attracting Jewish fans.

Top authors in Jewish Law

account_boxCindy Scarr
account_boxSruli Fruchter
account_boxRabbi Yitzchok Frankfurter
account_boxMira Fox
account_boxNatan Slifkin
account_boxRachel Kohn
account_boxJackie Hajdenberg
account_boxAsaf Elia-Shalev
account_boxLouis Keene
account_boxSimon Rocker