Jewish Law

The recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling equating embryos with children has caused concern among American Jews relying on IVF, fearing loss of control over frozen embryos and restrictions on fertility treatments.
This recipe features chicken sausage meatballs with sage and fennel, cooked alongside butternut squash, sweet potato, new potatoes, and onions.
Kosher butcher Sarah Mann-Yeager discusses how the rising cost of brisket, a traditional Jewish staple, has led to the search for more budget-friendly meat cuts.
The text explores the resilience of Ethiopian Jewish practice, highlighting the return to roots and demands of the younger generation, the mythologization of the Beta Israel community, the unique religious practices of the Haymanot, the impact of mass migration on the community, and the challenges faced in integrating into mainstream Jewish society in Israel.
The text discusses the exemption of Charedi (ultra-Orthodox) Jews in Israel from military service, highlighting the disparity between them and the rest of the country's youth who are required to serve, especially during times of war like the conflict with Hamas.
The text delves into Jewish laws and traditions surrounding death and mourning, with a focus on the story of a man's complicated relationship with his estranged father who passed away.
The YouTube video delves into the intriguing topic of the Urim V'Tumim, discussing their mystical properties and their role in predicting the future within the context of Parshah Tetzaveh.
The text delves into the complex relationship between Yishmael and the Jewish people, drawing parallels between historical events and current struggles with modern-day Palestinians.
The Clean Speech Project, a collaborative effort by Seed and GIFT, is promoting positive speech and unity within the community by raising awareness of Jewish laws regarding negative speech (loshon hora).
Aharon Frazer reflects on the sanctity of human life amidst violence, exploring the Torah's nuanced approach to basic human morality.
An IDF commander stationed near Gaza found a book, "Man & Beast: Our Relationship with Animals in Jewish Law and Thought," written by the parent of another IDF commander, Tikvah Slifkin.
This recipe for vegan meatballs with orzo, inspired by Nigella Lawson, serves 4 and requires ingredients like plant-based mince, chia seeds, and nutritional yeast.
The text discusses the different perspectives on winning the ongoing war in Israel, highlighting the divisions within Israeli society.
James G. Robinson reflects on his family's experience dealing with their son's serious heart defect, which led them to draw on their Jewish faith and tradition for strength and guidance.
A group of Hillel educators proposed the Kranjec Test, suggesting that source sheets in Jewish learning include diverse perspectives, especially women's voices, to reflect communal values.
The text discusses the perspectives of prominent Jewish figures like the Brisker Rov and Rav Shach regarding interactions with the State of Israel and its military (IDF).
The Conservative movement's Rabbinical Assembly Committee on Jewish Law and Standards has approved a teshuva (responsum) on cannabis usage, addressing social, legal, and medical issues.
In this essay, the author recounts their experience of finding solace and meaning in Shabbat after being diagnosed with a chronic illness.
The essay explores the intersection of Shabbat observance, chronic illness, and the importance of radical rest.
A moving personal account describes attending a funeral where the son of the deceased read a eulogy written by his mother before her passing, touching on love, warmth, and gratitude despite her illness.
The article responds to a podcast discussion claiming that American Judaism is boring.
"Atah Manhig: A Life in Reform Judaism" is a new book by Lance J. Sussman, a recently retired rabbi of a large Reform congregation in Philadelphia.
Rabbi Elia Benamozegh, a prominent scholar of Italian Jewry, wrote a scientific and Kabbalistic commentary called "Em LaMiqra" on the book of Leviticus.
The top rights court in Europe has upheld the bans on kosher and halal slaughter in parts of Belgium, following similar rulings by the Court of the European Union.
Rabbi Moshe Chaim Ephrayim of Sudilkov, a prominent figure in early Chasidism, offers a profound interpretation of a verse from the Torah portion of Terumah.

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account_boxCindy Scarr
account_boxSruli Fruchter
account_boxRabbi Yitzchok Frankfurter
account_boxMira Fox
account_boxNatan Slifkin
account_boxRachel Kohn
account_boxJackie Hajdenberg
account_boxAsaf Elia-Shalev
account_boxLouis Keene
account_boxSimon Rocker