Jewish Law

This recipe presents a colorful and flavorful trio of hummus variations, including a basic recipe and two unique options: a pink Barbie hummus made with beetroots and a turmeric hummus.
The podcast discusses polyamory as a modern form of non-monogamous relationships, contrasting it with traditional polygamy.
The text discusses the importance of education in Jewish communities, particularly regarding Jewish identity, Zionism, and Israel education.
This episode delves into the Vilna Gaon's theory of Incongruent Actions, exploring its application in various contexts.
Fernando Goldsztein's journey began with his son's diagnosis of medulloblastoma, leading to the creation of The Medulloblastoma Initiative (MBI) aimed at funding research for better treatments.
This podcast episode delves into the lesser-known story of Rav Saadia Gaon, a significant figure in Jewish history during the Gaonic era.
The 2023 Impact Report for the Biblical Museum of Natural History has been released, showcasing stories of individuals impacted, visitor statistics, upcoming projects, and ways to engage.
Exploring the enduring practice of Jewish prayer within the crypto-Jewish community of the Douro region, regardless of the presence of Rabbis and books.
Joseph Kaplan, a retired attorney and Modern Orthodox intellectual, offers a collection of writings spanning over half a century in "A Passionate Writing Life."
The text discusses the author's initial disappointment with the Talmudic focus on seemingly mundane topics like laws about damages and cows, questioning the spirituality in these discussions.
The article discusses the significance of Leap Year in both the secular Gregorian and Hebrew calendars, highlighting how intercalation is used to align fixed dates with natural phenomena.
Exploring the concept of heresy and theological questions surrounding G-d in the context of Parshah Ki Sisa.
The article discusses common questions that Jews of color often encounter, such as assumptions about adoption, ethnicity, Hebrew language proficiency, conversion status, and familiarity with other Jews of color.
In Parshas Ki Sisa, the narrative of the golden calf is explored through the lens of decision-making and problem-solving.
Dirshus Amud Yomi program celebrated in Vienna draws parallels to the historic Knessiah Gedolah a century ago, linking past Torah luminaries with present-day leaders marking the founding of the new initiative.
There is a growing divide among religious Jews in Israel over military service, particularly within the Charedi community.
Hasmonean High School for Boys has received an outstanding rating for its Jewish studies program following a separate inspection from the girls' school.
This recipe features cod topped with a basil-almond pesto and Kalamata olives, creating a flavorful and balanced dish.
An Orthodox perspective suggests that celebrating the birth of a non-Jewish grandchild in a synagogue poses complex considerations beyond mere popularity and may involve the discomfort of individuals who have chosen to marry outside the faith.
The article discusses a couple's decision to let go of their frozen embryos due to fears of losing reproductive rights amidst legal changes affecting abortion and reproductive care, particularly in the context of the Alabama Supreme Court's ruling on embryo status.
The text discusses the modern challenges to belief in Judaism, with questions arising about the veracity and relevance of Torah stories and laws in today's society.
The Etgar Quiz no 260 poses questions to test knowledge on Jewish topics, such as identifying the odd item out (boots being the answer as others are High Priest garments), scenarios where saving one's life involves prohibitions like worshiping idols, identifying the earliest founded location (Rishon le Zion), the destroyer of the Second Temple (the Romans), the author of the short story Yentl (Isaac Bashevis Singer), and the color set absent in the Israeli game Taki (purple).
The theological problem of evil and suffering, also known as theodicy, challenges belief in a just and fair world governed by a traditional view of God.
In a recent court case in Maryland, Rabbi Shmuel Krawatsky was found guilty of sexual assault and battery against young boys under his care.
In Shiur 457, the discussion focuses on avoiding the main reason for divorce by maintaining connection with one's spouse throughout the course of a marriage.

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