Tag: Israel Support

Concerned about what they perceive as rising antisemitism in the upcoming primary between Congressman Jamaal Bowman and George Latimer, a Jewish get-out-the-vote effort in New York's 16th district is mobilizing hundreds of volunteers to ensure Jewish voices are heard amid the clash between centrists supportive of Israel and progressives critical of it.
In the recent European Parliamentary elections, several communist and antisemitic parties faced significant losses, particularly those in Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, and other countries.
In a Virginia congressional primary between hardline Republican candidates, the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) endorsed State Sen. John McGuire over incumbent Rep. Bob Good due to Good's stance against aid to Israel.
Hadassah, a Jewish women's organization, is actively engaged in advocacy on multiple fronts including fighting antisemitism, promoting stem-cell research, and supporting Israel.
Matisyahu, a singer/songwriter known for his hit song "One Day," discussed his musical and religious journey during a Zoominar as part of The Pulse: Moments That Matter series.
Senator John Fetterman, known for his vocal support of Israel, disavowed his alma mater Harvard University while receiving an award at Yeshiva University's commencement, praising Y.U. as a pro-Israel bastion against anti-Israel activism on campuses.
Matisyahu discusses his religious and musical journey, experiences touring with his EP Hold the Fire, and facing cancellations due to his support for Israel in a conversation with Joe Alterman for The Pulse: Moments That Matter series by MomentLive! and Neranenah.
The Bonjour Chai podcast episode discusses the case of Joe Roberts, a former chair of JSpace Canada board, who faced online scrutiny about his Jewish identity due to his vocal support of Israel as a self-described political left-winger.
The essay discusses the challenging political decisions facing Diaspora Jews, particularly in the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia, and France.
Craig Goldman, a Jewish Republican state representative from Texas, is vying to become the third Jewish Republican in Congress and the first from Texas.
Joseph Abruzzo, a non-Jewish government official in Palm Beach County, Florida, has invested $700 million of taxpayer money in Israel bonds, making the county the world's largest holder of such bonds.
Ushi Teitelbaum, an Orthodox Jewish Republican residing in Brooklyn, expresses concern over rising antisemitism, emphasizing the importance of economic stability as her top priority.
Adam Witkov, a 39-year-old Reform Jew from Milwaukee, expresses his concern over the lack of Jewish support from progressive causes in the face of antisemitism disguised as anti-Zionism, particularly following the aftermath of October 7.
Pro-Palestinian activists claimed success in New York's Democratic primary by urging voters to submit blank ballots in protest against President Joe Biden's support for Israel, though the exact number of protest votes is uncertain.
The author, reflecting on their role supporting overlooked demographics in Jewish communal life, emphasizes the need to strengthen and prioritize support for the Jewish mainstream, especially in light of recent events like increased antisemitism and threats to Israel.
The author expresses dissatisfaction with the current presidential candidates, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, highlighting concerns about Biden's age affecting his mental acuity and electability, as well as reservations about his stance on Israel supporting a Palestinian state.
The AJC's State of Antisemitism in America Report found that one in five American Jews reported that local businesses where they live have been targeted by antisemitism in the past five years.
The article discusses the growing generational divide among American Jews regarding attitudes towards Israel.
Ousted Congressman George Santos has announced that he will not be voting in the special election for his seat due to a personal vendetta against local Republicans.
Two candidates, Tom Suozzi and Mazi Melesa Pilip, are competing for the support of New York's third congressional district, which has a significant Jewish population.
The article explores the biblical figure of Terah, the father of Abraham, and his role in the narrative of God's command to Abram to go to the land of Canaan.
Two statements have been published at Brandeis University to express dissent against the student government senate's decision to reject a resolution condemning Hamas.
Jewish Democratic congressman Dean Phillips of Minnesota has announced his intention to challenge President Joe Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2024.
The author expresses frustration with the art world's silence in expressing support for Israel and the Jewish people during the recent conflict in Gaza.
The article highlights the consistent support for Israel from members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), countering instances of Black antisemitism.