Tag: Jewish Community

Amid Venezuela's national crisis, where 70% of Caracas' Jewish population has fled, those who remain face precarious living conditions, including the threat of kidnappings, rampant crime, and a collapsing economy.
In episode 176 of Unorthodox, the podcast features two Jewish guests.
The author reflects on the need to combat Islamophobia within the Jewish community, underscored by the tragedies like the Tree of Life shooting and the Christchurch mosque attack.
Giorgio Bassani's "Memory Garden" centers around his novel "The Novel of Ferrara," a reflection on the Italian Jews' fate during Mussolini's rule and the Holocaust.
During the Holocaust, North African Jews faced discrimination and persecution under French and Italian racial laws, economic disenfranchisement, and internment in camps.
Rabbi Michael Lezak serves as a staff rabbi at Glide Memorial United Methodist Church in San Francisco's impoverished Tenderloin neighborhood, working on social justice initiatives funded by Jewish foundations and individual donors.
Leora Mallach, co-founder of Beantown Jewish Gardens, emphasizes the importance of integrating Jewish tradition with contemporary issues like food justice, highlighting the ethical implications of food choices and the need to make Judaism relevant to today's world.
BBYO's International Convention in Denver gathered 3,000 Jewish teens from over 40 countries, emphasizing the challenge of engaging a tech-savvy generation with a rich program akin to South by Southwest, featuring notable speakers and diverse Jewish experiences.
The text discusses the author's experiences as a golf caddy at Trump National Golf Club Westchester, reflecting on class struggle, social hierarchies, and discrimination.
Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaid declared himself president amid economic turmoil in Venezuela, once one of Latin America's most prosperous countries.
Rav Moshe Feinstein emphasized the obligation to educate children with special needs in Judaism, stating they should be included in certain mitzvot.
On AJC Passport, the discussion revolves around the 2019 Women's March, which faced controversy due to allegations of anti-Semitism within its leadership.
In Havana, a group wedding marked the resurgence of Cuba's Jewish community after facing challenges post-revolution.
David Sherman, a member of the search committee for the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, expressed disappointment in the coverage of Lonnie Nasatir's selection as President-Elect, considering it a missed opportunity to celebrate a significant moment in the Chicago Jewish community.
Internal documents obtained by the Forward reveal that the Anti-Defamation League's (ADL) staff expressed concerns in a 2016 memo that anti-BDS legislation targeting boycotts of Israel could harm American Jews, deeming such laws ineffective, unworkable, and unconstitutional.
A group of seven women initially came together after the 2016 election to organize what would become the Women's March, with the aim of including marginalized voices in leadership roles.
George H.W. Bush, the 41st U.S. president, died at 94, leaving behind a complex legacy with the Jewish community.
Harvey Milk, San Francisco's outspoken Jewish politician, was assassinated in 1978 by Supervisor Dan White, leading to significant ramifications for the city's Jewish community.
The text discusses the contrasting socialist visions of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn, noting their differences in ideological background and political goals.
In "Advocacy of the Faithful: A View from Washington, DC," Nathan J. Diament discusses the Orthodox Union's approach to political advocacy, focusing on a case involving President Obama's Iran nuclear deal.
The text explores the relationship between the left and Jewish communities in the UK and France, particularly focusing on Jeremy Corbyn in the UK and Jean-Luc Melenchon in France.
Israel Policy Pod addresses the significance of Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) in supporting refugees and immigrants, especially in light of the Pittsburgh synagogue attack where HIAS was targeted by far-right extremists.
In this special episode titled "On Squirrel Hill: Ep. 156," the podcast Unorthodox focuses on the tragic anti-Semitic attack in Pittsburgh that resulted in the death of 11 Jews in a synagogue.
The text discusses the concept of aninut in Jewish mourning practices and how it relates to the recent tragedy at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, where 11 people were murdered.
There has been a noticeable decline in the number of Jewish students at Ivy League universities in recent years, with significant drops in Jewish representation at schools like the University of Pennsylvania, Yale, and Harvard.