Tag: Jewish Community

The text discusses how religious organizations, including the Jewish community, are grappling with the issue of clergy sexual abuse in the wake of the Pennsylvania Attorney General's report on abuse by Catholic priests.
Emily Kramer-Golinkoff, a woman battling a rare form of cystic fibrosis, the Ashkenazi mutation, founded Emilys Entourage, a nonprofit aimed at funding research for nonsense mutations of CF that lack effective treatment options.
On a mystical Shabbat in Sarajevo, a young Jewish traveler finds solace in a stranger's story, highlighting the theme of comfort after suffering on Shabbos Nachamu, the Shabbos following Tisha B'Av.
AJC Passport discusses the upcoming confirmation battle for U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with insights from AJC General Counsel Marc Stern, an expert on the court and religious liberty.
Abby Stein, a transgender activist who was raised in a Hasidic family in Williamsburg, sheds light on the historical support for transgender individuals by Hasidic sages dating back 200 years.
In Japan, a unique connection exists between the Japanese Christian community and Israel, highlighted by the story of Reverend Makoto Otsuka and his Holocaust Education Center in Fukuyama City, just outside Hiroshima.
Renowned hockey broadcaster Stan Fischler, known as The Hockey Maven, is retiring at 86 after a long career covering the New York Islanders, Rangers, and New Jersey Devils.
In a crossover episode of Unorthodox, hosts Joshua Malina and Hrishikesh Hirway from The West Wing Weekly podcast discuss early aughts TV, Jewish identity on social media, and Jewish cuisine.
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, known for his Covenant and Conversation series, focuses on the figure of Moses in his biblical commentaries, emphasizing themes of leadership challenges and building a just society.
"The Tree of Life" by Chava Rosenfarb is a profound Yiddish-language trilogy set in the Lodz Ghetto during the Holocaust.
Dr. Leon Wiener Dow, from the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, delves into the themes of his book "The Going: A Meditation on Jewish Law" in which he explores the interconnections between God, law, prayer, practice, and community within Jewish law from both an autobiographical and theological perspective.
In "My Halakha, Your Halakha: Between Jewish Law and Jewish Life," Dr. Leon Wiener Dow explores the intersections of God, law, prayer, practice, and community in Jewish law through his book "The Going: A Meditation on Jewish Law."
Zvi Grumet responds to criticisms of his recent Orthodox survey, acknowledging his study lacks professional social science research standards but defends its importance in providing insights into educational systems' impacts.
In September 2017, the author visited Bitola, Macedonia, where they were overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and respect for Jewish culture despite the absence of a Jewish community in the town.
In this episode titled "The Golden Rule," comedian Judy Gold and Jesuit priest Father James Martin are guests at the Manhattan JCC, discussing topics related to Jewish and Christian perspectives.
Three years after an Islamist terrorist attack on the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket in Paris, which resulted in the murder of four Jews, AJC Passport explores the responses from the French government, society, and Jewish community.
Tamar Manasseh shares her perspective on being labeled as a "black Jew" and discusses the complexities she faces as a Black person within the Jewish community.
The text describes a personal journey within a Jewish shtiebel, focusing on the author's interactions with Rabbi Moshe Halevi Steinberg.
The text discusses the commemoration of the Balfour Declaration's centenary, outlining British Prime Minister Theresa May's affirmation of support for Israel, including economic ties and security commitments, while also acknowledging unfinished business regarding peace and a two-state solution.
The author reflects on their grandmother's battle with Alzheimer's Disease and the challenges of incorporating Jewish practices into her life as the dementia progressed.
The article discusses the author's personal connection to Shlomo Carlebach, a Jewish musician accused of sexually harassing and assaulting multiple women, including the author's mother.
The article discusses the #MeToo movement and its potential transformation into #WeToo, emphasizing the need for real change in addressing sexual harassment and gender dynamics within the Jewish community.
The article discusses the impact of Holocaust literature and cultural representations on the American Jewish psyche, focusing on the need to move beyond idealized past narratives and sanctifying victimhood.
The article discusses the ongoing debate around the inclusion of women in intensive Torah study, particularly focusing on the need to update communal attitudes and practices.
The Israel on Campus Coalition, a mainstream Jewish pro-Israel group, has endorsed the controversial website Canary Mission, known for creating political profiles of pro-Palestinian student activists to deter them from future employment opportunities.