Tag: Jewish Community

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the traditional Passover Seder faces challenges due to social distancing restrictions.
An IDF veteran reflects on the profound impact of Covid-19 on the world, recognizing the need for agility and innovation in the face of changing circumstances.
During the coronavirus outbreak when social isolation is critical, domestic violence victims may find themselves in increased danger while quarantined with their abusers.
The article discusses the Orthodox Jewish community's response to the Coronavirus epidemic, addressing technical aspects of contagion and transmission based on modern medicine and CDC guidelines.
The Rabbinical Council of Bergen County, New Jersey, made the significant decision to shut down Jewish institutions in response to the coronavirus outbreak, emphasizing the importance of social distancing to save lives and support healthcare providers overwhelmed by the pandemic.
Bernie Sanders held a massive rally at the University of Michigan aimed at energizing young voters, focusing on issues like climate change and healthcare.
Rabbi Simcha (Sydney) Green, an 81-year-old from Beverly Hills, is running for city council to advocate for allowing cannabis dispensaries in the city, especially for medical cannabis.
The text discusses the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and emphasizes that while there is no current vaccine or medication against the virus, simple non-pharmacological interventions are effective in preventing its spread.
The author and her late husband visited Siracusa, Sicily, the oldest surviving Jewish town, and stayed in a hotel, Alla Giudecca, situated in the reconstructed Jewish Quarter.
The Fox and Lox Society, a group of aging friends, gathered regularly for a poker game over the years, with their traditions evolving as they aged.
The text discusses the author's experiences and reflections on being a Sephardic Jew living in Brooklyn amidst a spate of hate crimes against Jews.
In episode 212 of "Speak Your Mind," two guests share their insights.
Dassi Erlich, a former student at Adass Israel School in Melbourne, along with her sisters Nicole Meyer and Elly Sapper, have accused their former principal, Malka Leifer, of sexual abuse and rape.
Devorah Halberstam, co-founder of the Jewish Children's Museum in Brooklyn, became involved in counterterrorism efforts after her son Ari was murdered in a terrorist attack in 1994.
Bernie Marcus, the co-founder of Home Depot, has established a foundation supporting various causes but has decided to sunset it within two decades of his passing to ensure his assets are used in alignment with his beliefs.
The text describes the author's difficult first Hanukkah as a single mother, grappling with the challenges of managing a household alone after a contentious divorce.
In Part 2 of "A Modern Orthodox Hedgehog for a Postmodern World," the author, Gil S. Perl, delves into the concept of "Or Goyim" and its evolution to "Or Amim" within Modern Orthodoxy.
Rabbi Susan Silverman, sister of comedian Sarah Silverman, officiated Tiffany Haddish's bat mitzvah, a unique event that coincided with Haddish's 40th birthday and the premiere of her Netflix special "Black Mitzvah."
The Forward, with a history of over 120 years and a new digital approach, envisions a united global Jewish community promoting justice, truth, and compassion.
At the Z3 conference, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the theme of "One People, Two Centers, Three Opinions."
In 1988, East Germany under Erich Honecker made unprecedented efforts to engage with its Jewish community, organizing events around the 50th anniversary of Kristallnacht.
The text explores the commemoration of the first anniversary of the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburgh.
A year after the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburgh, the Jewish community reflects on the tragedy and the ongoing threat of anti-Semitism.
The article suggests that American Jewish students facing hostility and ideological indoctrination in U.S. universities should consider studying in Israel where higher education is excellent and tuition is affordable, offering a free college education and a deep connection to Israel.
One year after the Pittsburgh synagogue attack, the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh's President Jeff Finkelstein discusses how the community is coping.