Tag: Jewish Community

Leo Frank, a Jewish man from Atlanta, was wrongfully convicted of the rape and murder of a 13-year-old girl in 1913 amidst anti-Semitic and anti-Northern sentiments.
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, a prominent figure in Orthodox Judaism, discusses the challenges facing Klal Yisrael in a 1986 symposium.
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein discusses the future of American Orthodoxy, highlighting the need to focus on internal challenges such as defections and the lack of strong leadership, as well as the importance of spiritual and moral growth within the community.
The article discusses a debate about the Obama Administration's tactics in selling the Iran deal and the perceived anti-Semitic undertones in the White House's campaign.
The article discusses the importance of recognizing and learning from the diverse experiences and perspectives within the Jewish community, as illustrated through the author's participation in the performance of Kaleidoscope.
The European Maccabi Games, Europe's largest Jewish sports event, is set to take place at Berlin's Olympiastadion, where in 1936, Jewish athletes defied Nazi attempts to ban them from the Olympics.
Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to Washington, has sparked controversy by accusing Barack Obama of undermining the U.S.-Israel alliance and speculating about Obama's motives based on his background.
The Jewish Culture Club at North Springs Charter School of Arts and Sciences near Atlanta provides a unique and organized Jewish community within a public school setting.
In the early 1980s, a significant resettlement effort orchestrated by Baltimore Hebrew Congregation led to the successful integration of a Vietnamese family, originating from Saigon, into American life in Maryland.
Letty and Bert Pogrebin, a Jewish couple living on Manhattan's Upper West Side since 1970, share insights into their daily life, household division of chores, work routines, family history, and Jewish identity.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. caused controversy by likening mandatory vaccines to a Holocaust, specifically referencing autism in children as a result.
Jewish campus groups are actively addressing the issue of sexual assault on college campuses by implementing initiatives to support victims and change how universities handle such incidents.
The text discusses the grave injustice of the Staten Island grand jury's decision to not bring an NYPD officer to trial for the chokehold death of Eric Garner, an unarmed black man.
The author reflects on their conversion to Judaism and the significance of the High Holy Days since their mikvah immersion five years ago.
Efforts are being made within the Jewish community to address the taboo surrounding suicide and mental illness.
President Obama made a visit to Canter's Deli in Los Angeles, a beloved spot among the Jewish community in the city.
In Donetsk, a once bustling industrial city, the ongoing conflict between pro-Russian and Ukrainian forces has turned the city into a place of fear and uncertainty for its residents, with armed checkpoints, deserted streets, and a sense of impending doom.
The discussion after the Pew Research report highlights the concerning rate of intermarriage among American Jews, with 58% overall and even higher among non-Orthodox Jews.
The article discusses the emotional impact of visiting the Yad Vashem Museum in Jerusalem, focusing on the personal stories and exhibits that aim to bring the Holocaust experience to life.
The text discusses the complex historical and contemporary role of Ukrainian Jews in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, highlighting their involvement in the Maidan protests, the presence of controversial nationalist groups with anti-Semitic histories in Ukrainian politics, and instances of anti-Semitic violence in Ukraine.
Rabbi David Wolpe discusses the complex and varied views on conversion in Jewish tradition.
The article delves into how the traditional role of Jewish mothers, characterized by self-sacrifice and high expectations, has evolved in modern times.
"The German Doctor" is a film adapted by Argentinian filmmaker Lucia Puenzo from her novel "Wakolda," which explores a chance meeting between a mysterious doctor based on Josef Mengele and an Argentinian family in 1960.
Neshama Carlebach, daughter of the famous Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, has made a name for herself beyond her father's legacy as a talented performer with a soulful voice.
The piece discusses the decline of Conservative Judaism within the broader American Jewish community as depicted in the Pew Research Center's data, highlighting issues such as increasing intermarriage rates, lack of Jewish education among children, and decreasing communal engagement.