Tag: Jewish Community

In 1968, high school students at the Hebrew Theological College in Skokie, IL, encountered the Chicago Cubs' Ron Santo, a revered baseball player, near their campus.
The legality and constitutionality of the traditional live-chicken version of the kapparot ritual, often performed by some members of the Jewish community, is being challenged in a federal case in California by an animal rights group, United Poultry Concerns.
In "Not in the Market for a Gadol," Wendy Amsellem responds to Chaim Saiman's essay on the idea of communities led by a revered rabbinic figure known as a gadol.
Chemda, a radio celebrity known for her podcast "Keith and The Girl," recently underwent open-heart surgery to remove a non-cancerous tumor close to her heart.
Stephen Fried emphasizes the importance of addressing mental illness within the Jewish community, pointing out that there is a lack of open discussion about mental health issues, failed awareness efforts, and outdated beliefs like relying solely on prayer for treatment.
Department of Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas addressed the Orthodox Union of America, emphasizing the importance of the Jewish community's active involvement in security readiness and response due to real security threats.
Photographer Yuri Dojc's exhibition "Last Folio" captures the remnants of Slovakia's Jewish community post-Communism, showcasing abandoned synagogues, dilapidated books, and elderly individuals, symbolizing a community that thrived in the past.
Adina Lichtman, a student at New York University, began a campus initiative called Knock Knock Give a Sock after realizing the importance of socks to the homeless population.
The author reflects on growing up in New York City's Lower East Side, recalling the immigrant neighborhood's synagogues, kosher delis, and colorful characters who influenced his worldview.
A father, Yosef Steinberg, grapples with his daughter's shift towards ultra-Orthodox values and away from secular literature, reflecting on his own background in Russian literature and Judaism.
The author, who is allergic to dairy and wheat, reflects on the challenges of participating in Jewish communal events and holidays due to food restrictions.
Azerbaijan is home to a historic Jewish community dating back centuries.
The article discusses how Donald Trump gained popularity among white supremacists due to his statements and policies perceived as racist, such as banning Muslims and stereotyping Mexican immigrants.
The Hassidic settlement of Kiryas Yoel in upstate New York serves as a unique case study regarding questions of diaspora and sovereignty.
The text emphasizes the importance of appreciating and loving the Land of Israel, Eretz Yisrael, despite the challenges faced by religious communities there.
Dr. Sharman Kadish, a historian specializing in British Jewry, discusses with host Gilad Halpern the demographic and cultural development of the Jewish community in Great Britain.
Rabbi Gershom Sizomu Wambedde, considered the first black African-born rabbi, has made history by becoming the first Jew elected to Ugandan parliament, representing the Bungokho North district.
Adult bar or bat mitzvah ceremonies are becoming increasingly common among Jewish converts who missed the opportunity to have the ceremony as teenagers due to various reasons, such as family circumstances, the Holocaust, or conversion to Judaism later in life.
Ofer Idels from Tel Aviv University's Department of History delves into the contentious debate within the Jewish community in Palestine prior to the 1936 Olympic Games in Nazi Berlin, discussing the implications and dilemmas faced at the time.
The author reflects on his Jewish identity as he navigates interactions with a religiously observant neighbor who tries to set him up with his daughters, emphasizing the difference between being Jewish and "Jew-ish."
Three writers embarked on a trip to Azerbaijan, all returning with positive impressions despite the country's authoritarian regime led by the Aliyev family.
Entrepreneur and investor Marc Belzberg, known for his philanthropic work with the OneFamily Fund supporting families affected by terror in Israel, reflects on his journey from a non-religious upbringing in Canada to becoming religiously observant and active in NCSY.
The text discusses a mother's experience when her daughter unexpectedly expresses interest in having a bat mitzvah despite the family's lack of religious involvement.
A Jewish magazine is inviting readers to share their personal milestones and events from the year 5776 in a special feature reminiscent of traditional synagogue newsletters.
The Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial in Kiev, Ukraine, commemorating the massacre of 34,000 Jews by German SS troops in 1941, was recently torched by unidentified assailants on Rosh Hashanah.