Tag: Jewish Holiday

The holiday of Rosh Hashanah, although not mentioned by name in the Torah, is explored in the Talmud and is associated with the sounding of the shofar.
Honey sommeliers, similar to wine sommeliers, exist to help navigate the complex world of honey.
In a new special episode called "An UnBEElievable Rosh Hashanah," Spider-Man and Miles Morales help ensure a sweet new year.
The author shares their personal experience of fasting on Yom Kippur without engaging in other religious practices like prayer or going to synagogue.
In this article, the authors taste 11 new kosher wines for Rosh Hashanah and share their honest reviews.
This article is a call for readers to share their menu ideas for Rosh Hashanah.
The Commentary Magazine podcast will not be releasing episodes in honor of the Jewish holiday of Shavuot and Memorial Day, with regular episodes resuming on Tuesday.
In this discussion, readers are asked to share what they are cooking or eating for the holiday of Shavuot or the long weekend.
The author points out the absence of Moses in the celebration of Shavuot, a holiday that commemorates the giving of the law.
A new exhibit at the Dr. Bernard Heller Museum in New York showcases tzedek boxes, which are containers for written reflections on acts of tzedek (righteousness).
"A Rugrats Passover," co-written by Jonathan Greenberg, was a groundbreaking and highly rated episode of the popular Nickelodeon series, featuring a humorous retelling of the Passover story through the eyes of animated babies.
The Promised Podcast Pesach-Palooza!
The topic of discussion is a Passover shoutout thread, where participants are encouraged to share their favorite Passover food, memory, or tradition.
Published in 1904, Mrs. Philip Cowen's "The Seder Service for Passover Eve in the Home" quickly became a popular and bestselling Haggadah in America, selling nearly a quarter of a million copies.
In this episode of Hebrew Hammer, Yael and Schwab delve into the complexities of Hanukkah, challenging traditional perceptions of the holiday by exploring what the Maccabees truly fought for and examining their legacy.
Dini Klein shares her recipe for a delicious breakfast loaf that can also be made into muffins.
Tu B'Av, the ancient Jewish holiday of love, was revived in the 20th century after being forgotten for over a thousand years.
In this podcast episode, Jon Levenson, a Harvard professor, discusses the moral force of the biblical Book of Ruth, which is traditionally studied by Jews during the holiday of Shavuot.
In this podcast episode, Harvard professor Jon Levenson discusses the significance of the book of Ruth, which is traditionally studied during the holiday of Shavuot.
Yuval Levin, editor of National Affairs, explores the concept of freedom in the Passover holiday and the Exodus narrative.
Yuval Levin discusses the concept of freedom in relation to the Passover holiday and the Exodus narrative.
To ease the overwhelm of preparing for Purim, Carly Pildis suggests making giant hamantaschen instead of many small ones.
In this article, Liza Schoenfein proposes a creative twist on the traditional hamantaschen cookie for Purim.
As Hanukkah begins, discussions focus on Hanukkah traditions, Israel's initiative to vaccinate children, and updates on Netanyahu's ongoing trial.
The article discusses the impact of a storm on the author's sukkah during the holiday of Sukkot.