Tag: Jewish Holiday

This article discusses the connection between the song "Rozhinkes mit mandln" (Raisins and Almonds) and the holiday of Shavuot.
The 73rd edition of a publication celebrates Yom Ha-Atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, by sharing personal stories about its significance and featuring classic Israeli songs performed by a new generation.
In this episode, the hosts explore various aspects of Passover preparations and traditions.
The article discusses the similarities between Queen Esther and the character Queen Aster in Louisa May Alcott's short tale.
The article discusses celebrating Sukkot in a year filled with uncertainty, drawing parallels between the current state of affairs and the holiday's themes of dwelling in flimsy huts during a time of wandering and uncertainty for the Jewish people.
This article features a recipe for Orange and Almond Flan, which can be a tasty option for the break fast meal on Yom Kippur.
As we reflect on the past year during Rosh Hashanah, a Jewish holiday that focuses on our shared humanity, we must also consider the iniquity of inequity in organ donation within the Jewish community.
In this Rosh Hashanah episode, Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain emphasize the importance of yearning for peace and having the courage to imagine the Israel that we want to see in the world.
The author reflects on the tradition of Lag ba-Omer bonfires in Israel, highlighting its environmental impact and lack of Halakhic basis.
Jack Black recently showcased his rendition of the Passover song "Chad Gadya," known for its dark and escalating lyrics, in a video posted online to help lift spirits during the challenging final days of the holiday.
In "My First DIY Passover," the author grapples with the difficult decision to not attend their usual large and elaborate family Passover Seder due to safety concerns amid the pandemic.
The text discusses how Ralph views the pandemic in relation to Passover.
The upcoming holiday of Purim celebrates concealment and redemption through hiddenness, reflected in the story of Esther where God's role is subtly revealed through human actions without His name being mentioned.
The author reflects on her evolving relationship with Rosh Hashanah, transitioning from synagogue celebrations to finding spiritual connection in nature, specifically with aspen trees.
In preparation for Independence Day, this article provides two barbecue recipes from Jewish sources for the Fourth of July celebration.
The discussion revolves around the permissibility of using zip-ties to hold down the sekhakh (covering) of a sukkah.
On Yom Kippur, a day of fasting and prayer, many struggle with food cravings despite the solemnity of the occasion.
The author reflects on their childhood experiences of Passover cleaning in a hoarding household, where the holiday offered a welcome break from domestic chaos.
Nina Safar offers a playful twist on traditional Purim hamantaschen by creating a recipe for vegan Pop-Tart hamantaschen.
The article discusses the link between whiskey production, feminism, and the Talmudic tractate of Sotah in the context of Tu B'Shvat.
The essay discusses the origins and controversies surrounding popular Purim customs such as drunkenness, Purimspiels (farcical plays), and wearing costumes.
The text provides humorous last-minute Purim costume ideas for children, offering creative and easy suggestions such as dressing up as Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Spock from Star Trek, the Shining Twins, an Oompa Loompa, the Ice Bucket Challenge, the infamous blue and black (or white and gold) dress, Grumpy Cat, Pharrell, Lady Gaga, a crazy cat lady, and more.
As Purim approaches, Eileen Goltz reflects on her children's creative costume choices for the holiday and channels her energy into making delicious treats for shalach manot.
The text discusses the unique dessert, koeksisters, a South African sweet that combines elements of both a donut and a cookie, making it a perfect treat for a crossover celebration of Hanukkah and Christmas.
The article discusses various recipes for latkes, a traditional Jewish dish commonly enjoyed during Chanukah.