
A recent Anti-Defamation League poll highlights a significant decrease in Jewish college students feeling safe on campus, with concerns rising after events related to the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Jewish billionaire and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is selling a majority stake in the NBA team to Jewish philanthropist and casino owner Miriam Adelson for $3.5 billion.
Ellin Bessner, host of The CJN Daily podcast, emphasizes the importance of supporting their work with a donation on #GivingTuesday.
In Burlington, Vermont, three Palestinian college students were shot, with the incident being investigated as a possible hate crime.
In Montreal, the Jewish community is facing a surge in antisemitic incidents, including attacks on Jewish schools, buildings, and businesses, amid ongoing tensions related to the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
In response to recent public protests and pressure to support a cease-fire between Israel and Gaza by some Democratic congressional staff, three Jewish Hill staffers expressed concerns to Jewish Insider, highlighting a lack of support for pro-Israel voices, tokenization of Jewish staffers' views, and a fear of retribution.
The podcast crew discusses the criticism faced by Israelis for allegedly not finding Hamas tunnels at a hospital, which was proven false when the tunnels were discovered.
Montreal has recently experienced a surge in antisemitic incidents, including bullets fired at a Yeshiva elementary school and molotov cocktails thrown at a Federation building and synagogue.
Police in Montreal are adjusting their tactics to better protect the Jewish community following recent antisemitic incidents, including attacks on schools and synagogues.
Don Samuels, a former Minneapolis City Council member, is planning to challenge Rep. Ilhan Omar once again in 2024 after coming close to defeating her in 2022.
Jewish university students in Canada are facing a surge in antisemitism on campus, including death threats, removal of mezuzot, and anti-Israel rhetoric in lectures.
Amid rising antisemitic incidents in Canada following the recent Hamas attack in Israel, including threats, damaged mezuzot, and violence, concerns about Jewish safety have escalated.
A group of prominent figures, including Debra Messing, Amy Schumer, and Isaac Mizrahi, have addressed a letter to TikTok expressing concerns about the safety of Jewish users on the platform.
The podcast discusses the unresolved murder of Samantha Woll, examining the Detroit police's quick dismissal of it as a hate crime without providing a clear explanation.
Michal Cotler-Wunsh, Israel's new Special Envoy on Combatting Antisemitism, criticized Canada's abstention in a recent UN vote on the Israel-Hamas war as "worse than silence."
The podcast discusses the influence of Hamas's PR strategy, ways for the Jewish community to protect itself, and the question of whether Jews should respond in kind to anti-Semitic demonstrations.
The podcast criticizes Jewish organizations for advising Jews to hide in response to threats, citing the recent closure of a kosher dining hall at Cornell University as an example.
The podcast explores how the distinction between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism has been blurred as Jews worldwide are targeted following a massacre of Jews.
In a discussion on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas three weeks into the war, Shimrit Meir, a former adviser to Naftali Bennett, speaks with Yonit and Jonathan about the international dynamics at play, including Qatar's support for Hamas.
The live taping of Bonjour Chai discusses the challenges of media consumption in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, highlighting how different narratives shape beliefs and realities, leading to segregation, dehumanization, and instances of antisemitism.
Kevin Youkilis, a Jewish MLB star, has recently become more outspoken about Jewish pride and resilience in the face of antisemitism following a Hamas attack on southern Israel.
In a reflection on the end of the Purim story, Josh Katz discusses discomfort among some liberal Jews with the concept of Jewish strength and power, particularly in relation to recent Israeli military actions against Hamas.
Kenneth Roth, former executive director of Human Rights Watch, known for labeling Israel's occupation of the West Bank as apartheid, has faced backlash and support for his anti-Israel stances.
Michal Cotler-Wunsh, Israel's envoy for combatting global anti-Semitism, is featured in a significant podcast that is highly recommended for listeners.
The CBC, a government-funded news organization, faced criticism for advising its journalists not to use the terms "terrorists" or "terrorism" without attribution when reporting on Hamas attacking Israel.

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