
A new book about Rembrandt and his relationship with Jews argues that much of what has been seen as his extraordinary sympathy towards the Jewish community is based on myth.
Artist Adrienne Ottenberg's new solo show, titled "On the Lower East Side: Twenty-Eight Remarkably Women . . . and One Scoundrel," features multimedia portraits of 29 women who lived or worked in the Lower East Side of New York City at the turn of the 20th century.
The play "The Gospel According to Chaim" is a significant achievement in contemporary Yiddish culture.
"The Gospel According to Chaim" is a groundbreaking Yiddish play written by Mikhl Yashinsky, based on the true story of Chaim Einspruch, a Galician-born Jew who became a Christian missionary.
The University of Chicago is celebrating the installation of Ruth Duckworth's mural, "Clouds Over Lake Michigan," at its Regenstein Library.
In an interview with Moment Magazine, drag artist Michael Witkes, also known as Pink Pancake, discusses his one-woman drag show, "Today You Are a Man!"
In episode 396 of Unorthodox, the podcast pays tribute to the more than 1,300 Israelis killed and hundreds kidnapped by Hamas over 100 days ago.
Avraham Borshevsky, a calligraphy artist and sofer stam in Jerusalem, has seen an increase in demand for sacred scripts since the Simchas Torah war.
Indiana University has faced criticism for canceling an exhibition of Palestinian artist Samia Halaby's work.
A United States appeals court has ruled that a Madrid museum may keep a painting looted by the Nazis from a Jewish woman.
Archie Rand, a Brooklyn artist, gained attention for his paintings of all 613 commandments in 2006.
Lorraine Schneider, a Jewish artist, created the artwork "Primer" in 1965 during the Vietnam War, featuring the sentence "war is not healthy for children and other living things" alongside a black and white sunflower.
This personal essay tells the story of the author's trip to Europe, where they visited various Jewish sites and experienced deep emotions.
The Museum of London is hosting an exhibition called "Fashion City: How Jewish Londoners Shaped Global Style," highlighting the significant contributions of Jewish immigrants to the fashion industry in London.
The Jewish Museum in New York is showcasing an exhibit called "7 October 2023" featuring 12 drawings by Israeli artist Zoya Cherkassy in response to the Hamas attacks on that day.
The Belfry Theatre in Victoria, B.C., garnered controversy by canceling "The Runner," a play about an Orthodox Jewish volunteer aiding a Palestinian woman over an Israeli soldier.
Amid Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza, a larger-than-life mural was painted on a building in Bushwick, showing an Israeli boy and a Palestinian boy embracing.
The Hebrew edition of the first volume of The Torah Encyclopedia of the Animal Kingdom has been released and can be purchased at the museum or on the museum website.
In the aftermath of the Nova Music Festival massacre, survivors have gathered in a makeshift tent called Adama Tova to heal and support one another.
Artist Debra Band has created the first fully illustrated Book of Ecclesiastes, or Qohelet, featuring the grandeur of the Alhambra as its central metaphor.
The New York Jewish Week remembers the lives of 20 notable Jewish New Yorkers who have passed away in 2023.
In this short story, a teenage girl recounts her experience auditioning for a school play with her best friend Shani.
In a series of dispatches from Israel, Unorthodox highlights Tanya Singer's delivery of handknit hats to IDF soldiers, crocheted dolls to hospitalized children, and handmade cards to Israelis, showcasing acts of generosity and resilience within the Jewish community.
This article provides recipes for four winter salads.
Israeli cartoonist Zeev Engelmayer, known for his irreverent and humorous style, has shifted his focus since the outbreak of war, using art as a way to cope with the traumas of the conflict.

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