Tag: Benjamin Netanyahu

A Pittsburgh jury has sentenced the individual responsible for the deadliest antisemitic attack in US history at the Tree of Life synagogue in 2018 to death, prompting discussions on the Jewish tradition's views on capital punishment.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently discussed with IDF officials the concerns regarding Hezbollah provocations on the northern border.
The article discusses the passing of a law in the Israeli Knesset that amends a crucial paragraph in Israel's Basic Laws, removing the reasonableness standard.
The judicial overhaul being implemented by Benjamin Netanyahu's government poses a significant threat to the Israeli economy.
The article discusses the long and complex case of Malka Leifer, a former principal of an ultra-Orthodox school in Melbourne, who was found guilty of sexually assaulting two teenage girls.
Israeli politics is facing turbulence as the fallout from a controversial judicial decision unfolds, granting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his coalition greater leeway.
Israel has taken a significant step in its judicial reform, as one crucial measure has passed into law.
Martin Indyk, former US ambassador to Israel, expresses deep concern over the current split in Israel caused by the judicial overhaul.
The tensions in Israel over the judicial overhaul proposed by Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition have drawn concern from the Biden administration.
The Knesset recently held final votes on legislation for a judicial overhaul, a key part of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government.
In a recent article, French Israeli politician Meyer Habib and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed concern over the riots in France, associating them with anti-Semitism.
Israel's parliament is set to vote on a measure that would bar the Supreme Court from striking down government decisions it deems unreasonable.
In a recent episode of the Unholy Podcast, the focus is on the protests within Israel and the Israeli military against what is perceived as Benjamin Netanyahu's attempt at a "judicial coup."
Israeli President Isaac Herzog's speech to the U.S. Congress was deemed out of touch with the current realities and crises in Israel.
In this episode, Sally Abed, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron discuss three key topics.
Sally Abed, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron discuss the importance of three main topics: the idea of Israel's Supreme Court removing Benjamin Netanyahu, the recent IDF operation in Jenin that resulted in thirteen deaths, and a documentary exploring the secular soul of Israelis.
Reservists in Israel's elite military units are threatening to refuse to report for duty as a form of protest against the government's controversial legislative moves to weaken the country's judicial system.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing protests and opposition over his attempts to curtail the powers of the court, leading to potential conflict with the military elite.
Protests are erupting in Israel against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government's attempt to weaken the judiciary.
President Joe Biden expressed his concerns about the extreme elements of Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinet in a recent interview with CNN.
This week's episode of "48 Hours" discusses a recent military offensive in Jenin lasting only 48 hours, receiving praise in Israel but mixed reactions globally.
The author reflects on their experience visiting Israel and Palestine as an American Jew.
Dan Senor discusses Israeli military actions in the West Bank, Benjamin Netanyahu's political situation, and the potential implications of the collapsing prosecutions against Israel's prime minister for understanding Donald Trump's indictments.
Israeli ambassador to the United States, Michael Herzog, spoke out against intolerance and bigotry targeting the LGBTQ community at a Pride event at the Israeli embassy.
In Israel, settler violence in the West Bank sparks condemnation from top military officials and draws attention globally.