Tag: Resistance

"Temima Weissmann reflects on the fragments of memory and history in the poems 'Filling In' and 'The Poet of Auschwitz?' In 'Filling In,' she evokes the struggle to comprehend traumatic events like those of 1938. In 'The Poet of Auschwitz?,' she imagines a poet in the concentration camp who found ways to capture the indescribable through creative expression, using even mundane objects like a potato peel to preserve his words. Weissmann poignantly explores the power of language and art in the face of unspeakable horrors."
Yom HaShoah serves as a time for the Jewish community to unite in remembrance of the Holocaust's victims and the ongoing fight against antisemitism.
In a time marked by rising antisemitism and global turmoil, Jewish comedian Deli Segal's one-woman show "Pickle" at Soho Theatre offers a comedic celebration of Jewish culture and joy as a form of resistance.
"Lovers in Auschwitz" by Keren Blankfeld tells the true story of David Wisnia, a Polish Jew and talented singer, and Helen Zippi Spitzer, a Slovakian Jew, who became lovers in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
This text describes the portrayal of a terrorist in a film and explores the contrast between the terrorist and the state.
In this interview, Mohammed Zraiy, a Palestinian living in Gaza, describes the dire situation on the ground, with no electricity, internet, medicine, or basic supplies due to Israeli bombardment.
In this episode, Noah attempts to understand the complexity of a conflict that encompasses various historical conflicts.
"Pamela Braun Cohen's memoir, 'Hidden Heroes: One Woman's Story of Resistance and Rescue in the Soviet Union,' highlights the efforts of the Soviet Jewry movement and the challenges faced by Jews in the Soviet Union. Inspired by the Holocaust and the failure to save European Jews, Cohen became heavily involved in activism for Soviet Jewry, serving in leadership roles and advocating for their rights. The book explores the experiences of Jews behind the Iron Curtain, their struggle for identity, protests, and survival in labor camps. It also examines the tensions between grassroots organizations and Jewish establishment groups in assisting Soviet Jewry. Cohen's story demonstrates the power of commitment and the importance of collective action."
Volodymyr Zelensky delivered an impactful and uplifting speech in the United States capital, which was well-received for its substance and positive tone.
This article discusses the character and resilience of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is facing threats to his life and is on the Kremlin's kill list.
President Joe Biden is facing challenges both in the Middle East and at home with regards to America's foreign policy towards Iran's nuclear program.
Skyler Williams, a prominent figure on Mohawk land, has emerged as a leading voice of resistance.
In his book "The 100 Years War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017," historian Rashid Khalidi intertwines his family's experiences with the broader Palestinian struggle for self-determination against Israel and international opposition.
In his book "The 100 Years War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017," historian Rashid Khalidi discusses the Palestinian national struggle against Israel and various international forces that have hindered their self-determination.
In "Beyond Holocaust Time," the author Alan Rosen explores the concept of Jewish resistance during the Holocaust through the lens of Jewish calendars.
The author reflects on their grandfather's experience fleeing Vienna in the 1930s and draws three principles to apply to the current political climate under President Trump.
The rise of anti-Semitism amidst discussions of racism and privilege is a growing concern, particularly evident in political and social spheres like the UK's Labour Party, American universities, and social media.
The author reflects on their deep childhood love for Star Wars, how the franchise shaped their interests, and their disappointment with the newer films like The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, which led them to reevaluate their relationship with movies due to concerns about moral values conflicting with their Orthodox Jewish beliefs.
Dr. Michal Aharony from Beit Berl Academic College discusses her book "Hannah Arendt and the Limits of Total Domination" with host Gilad Halpern, focusing on how Arendt's theories on totalitarianism are analyzed through the perspective of Holocaust victims and survivors.