Jewish Law

The Chazon Ish, a towering figure in Torah Judaism, left a lasting impact on Bnei Brak and beyond, with many followers known as Chazon Ishniks who strictly adhere to his rulings.
The article discusses the challenge of illustrating the Book of Ruth, focusing not on the plot but on the theme of redemption.
In this article, Mishpacha writers reflect on the impact of sacred Jewish texts, or seforim, on their lives.
Rabbi Avraham Gutterman ztzl donated a sefer Torah in the zechus of a refuah for his son, Rav Chaim Michoel Gutterman, who was gravely ill with liver and kidney damage.
Ohio's attorney general has obtained a court order preventing Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, known for its significant collection of rare Jewish books, from selling off these invaluable religious and cultural treasures.
The article discusses how some Orthodox Jewish communities, including the author, reacted when former President Donald Trump and his supporters claimed his recent guilty verdict in New York was rigged.
A Jewish woman shares how her community and faith supported her during a traumatic miscarriage experience in 2014.
The Etgar Quiz no 272 poses questions related to Jewish knowledge, including identifying the source of Eishet Chayil, the Torah portion with the most sections, quarters of the Old City of Jerusalem, locations in Israel, the reason why the Tribe of Levi did not have land, and the food provided to the Children of Israel in the desert.
The text discusses a report indicating that the IDF has rejected many Charedi enlistment requests due to various reasons, posing challenges in integrating Charedim into the army.
A woman shares her journey of feeling alone and angry at G-d after her divorce, but eventually finds healing, remarries, and empowers others to thrive.
In Shiur 469, the discussion focuses on the challenges of learning Torah when facing various obstacles, such as life stresses, distractions, or military service.
The Indianapolis Colts signed a rookie wide receiver named Adonai Mitchell, prompting a dilemma for Jewish football fans due to the use of a Hebrew name for God outside of ritual contexts.
Jewish Currents, a historically secular magazine, has introduced a commentary on the Torah portion in response to a growing alienation from mainstream Jewish institutions and a desire for spiritual connection among its community members, despite some objections.
Despite ongoing polling following the Trump verdict, there seems to be little impact on the political landscape.
The text discusses ways to support Israel during wartime, highlighting alternative organizations for tzedaka due to new information.
The Parashah Bemidbar discusses the discomfort in counting people, as traditionally seen as dangerous, highlighted by a plague in King David's reign following a census.
Rabbi Miriam Lorie's graduation from Yeshivat Maharat and her leadership at Kehillat Nashira in Borehamwood mark a significant moment for British Jewry, as Orthodox female rabbis are making strides in leading communities despite some resistance from traditional Jewish law and the Chief Rabbi.
The article discusses the significance of the Shema Koleinu blessing in the Shemoneh Esreh prayer.
In issue 1014 of The Moment by Mishpacha Magazine, a story is shared about Yehudah, a farmer in Eretz Yisrael who experienced miracles in Gaza due to keeping shemittah.
The text delves into the profound meaning behind the familiar words "baruch Atah" that begin all blessings in Jewish tradition.
Rav Dov Landau, a prominent figure in the Ashkenazi Charedi Lithuanian community, called for special prayers due to the challenges faced by the Jewish people, including threats to Torah study and military service debates in Israel.
Dr. Marc B. Shapiro discusses the origins and distinctions among various Jewish sects like Reform, Conservative, yeshivish, and Modern Orthodox in the 18Forty Podcast.
The video explores creative ideas for salads and dips, ideal for Shabbat meals.
Aaron Abramson, a former Israeli army member and believer in Jesus as the Messiah, has been appointed as the CEO of Jews for Jesus, making him the first Israeli to lead the organization known for its Christian missionary efforts to convert Jews.
The author expresses concern over a phenomenon within the Charedi Yeshiva world that emphasizes full-time Torah study to the exclusion of other pursuits, leading to a lack of appreciation for individuals who choose to combine Torah study with work or secular studies.

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