Jewish Law

Rabbi Dovid Kornreich clarifies points raised about him in a previous article, emphasizing his departure from Toras Moshe in 2021 to work full-time at Mir, clarifying that his views diverge from Rabbi Moshe Meiselman's, and defending himself against accusations of justifying Arab terrorism by explaining his perspective on the motives behind such actions.
In this discussion of animals in the Torah, the focus is on the classification of birds as kosher and non-kosher.
The Parashah of the week, Shemini, discusses the criteria for kosher mammals, highlighting the significance of split hooves and chewing the cud.
This episode delves into the historical complexities surrounding the unresolved dispute between Rabbi Avrohom Kalisker and the Baal HaTanya, questioning when to accept or reject stories as factual.
Chaim Goldberg responds to Tzvi Goldstein's essay on Centrist Orthodoxy and Haredi Orthodoxy by highlighting nuances in Ramhal's Mesilat Yesharim that challenge Goldstein's interpretation.
Inmates at Woodbourne Correctional Facility in New York, including individuals of various religious beliefs, have filed a lawsuit against the state's corrections department for denying them the chance to witness the upcoming solar eclipse, which they view as a religious experience.
Sandye Rudnitzky shares her journey of pursuing gestational surrogacy in the 1980s after facing infertility issues, leading to the birth of her daughter Jillian, the first baby born using the egg and sperm of the biological parents in a surrogate's womb.
The text reflects on the legacy of Joe Lieberman, showcasing how his life embodied integrity and principle, drawing parallels from a Talmudic story about Rabban Gamliel.
Iconic Orthodox Jewish-American politician Joseph Lieberman passed away, leaving behind a legacy of bipartisan politics and a steadfast commitment to Torah and mitzvos.
Netflix's new series, Testament: The Story of Moses, has emerged as a popular show, featuring a retelling of the Exodus story with commentary from religious leaders of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim backgrounds.
The video delves into a peculiar fish mentioned in the Talmud with a unique taste resembling that of pig brains.
Netflix's No. 1 show, "Testament: The Story of Moses," a documentary series about Moses, stands out for its atypical focus on religious content in a landscape dominated by dramas and reality TV.
The text discusses the reasons and justifications provided by a member of the Haredi Israeli yeshiva world, Dovid Kornreich, for Charedi exemptions from the Israeli army draft.
An Israeli High Court ruling on the chareidi draft issue has created a societal clash and legal uncertainty for tens of thousands of bochurim and avreichim.
Israel recently faced a significant change when the Attorney General ruled that yeshivah students are now subject to IDF drafting, with potential consequences such as slashed budgets for yeshivos due to the loss of state funding for students designated for security service.
Rebbetzin Bruria David, founder of the Beth Jacob Jerusalem seminary, is remembered on the occasion of her first yahrtzeit.
A mother recalls preparing for her daughter Havi's unconventional bat mitzvah at 18 months old, necessitated by Havi being diagnosed with Tay-Sachs disease.
Rabbi Shai Held, president of the Hadar Institute and author of "Judaism Is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life," challenges the misconception that Christianity is solely about love while Judaism focuses only on law.
The Charedi community is facing a shift as the exemption from army service expires, leading to a realization that they can no longer solely focus on Torah study for protection.
The article argues that Israel is not illegally occupying the West Bank, providing historical and legal background to support this claim.
Bert Pogrebin, a renowned attorney and partner to feminist icon Letty Cottin Pogrebin, passed away at 89.
The concept of taxation has deep roots in Jewish history, stemming from the biblical practice of tithing, wherein individuals gave a portion of their income for redistribution to support various societal needs.
Modern Orthodox and traditional teen girls are increasingly finding ways to participate in prayer services while adhering to Jewish law, seeking more inclusive roles within their communities.
The text discusses a controversial statement made by Rabbi Tzvi Friedman of the Yerushalmi Peleg movement, who expressed a preference for his grandchildren to eat pork or be murdered by Hamas rather than serving in the IDF.
Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch expresses the Charedi viewpoint that Torah study is crucial for Israel's existence, opposing mandatory army service for Charedi youth, fearing threats to Torah study.

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