Jewish Law

An Indiana state appellate court ruled that Jews have a religious liberty right to abortion under the state's Religious Freedom Restoration Act, potentially setting a precedent for other states.
The text discusses how our perception of reality influences our lives and why people may seek blessings from rabbis to a varying extent.
Donniel Hartman and Sarah Breger discuss the connection between Jewish identity and Jewish values, exploring the strands of "Genesis Judaism" and "Exodus Judaism" and their impact on contemporary Jewish communal life.
Argentinian politician Javier Milei, known for his support of Israel, revealed his Jewish heritage at a Miami synagogue event where he was honored as an International Ambassador of Light.
Broughton Jewish Cassel Fox Primary, a state-aided Jewish school in Salford, breached admission rules by requiring parents to commit to paying contributions towards Jewish studies, which goes against the Schools Admissions Code for state-aided schools that prohibit charging fees.
Parashat Tazria discusses the priestly role in diagnosing and ritually purifying individuals with skin ailments like tzaraat in biblical times.
In a response to Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef's opposition to forced conscription of yeshiva students, Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot discusses his son, Amitai, who voluntarily enlisted in the army and was killed in the line of duty against Hezbollah.
Exploring Talmudic sources regarding what fetuses do in the womb, leading to a discussion on reincarnation in the latest episode of the Parshah Rabbit Hole.
The author's Jewish outlook is shaped by their primary Rebbe, Rabbi Aaron Soloveichik, and focused on a pursuit of spiritual truth.
Rav Amram Fried, a prominent posek in Bnei Brak, used to handle halachic questions himself but due to the high volume of inquiries, he now oversees a team of rabbanim who respond to around 1,800 daily calls on a halachic hotline, often following his rulings closely.
Rav Amram Fried, a prominent posek in Bnei Brak, has a team of rabbanim assisting him in answering halachic queries through a hotline that receives around 1,800 calls daily, with last Erev Yom Kippur reaching 8,400 calls.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses a new book on the Vayiqra with a scientific and Kabbalistic commentary by Rabbi Elia Benamozegh, a prominent Italian Jewish scholar.
While Jewish tradition historically viewed eclipses as bad omens, some contemporary American Jews are embracing the opportunity to witness the upcoming total solar eclipse.
Rabbi Yaakov Klein, an Orthodox rabbi, is introducing elements of early Chasidism into British Jewry through his work at Ner Israel congregation in Hendon.
The text discusses the upcoming solar eclipse in North America, prompting a reflection on Jewish teachings regarding eclipses.
The statement by the American Agudah's Moetzes expressing the Charedi position on military service exemption for yeshiva students in Israel has sparked controversy and raised questions.
The text presents a quiz with questions related to Jewish and Israeli knowledge.
Rabbi Dr. Natan Slifkin responds to an article in Mishpacha Magazine discussing the charedi avoidance of army service, critiquing the interview with Rav Yitzchok Berkovits of Aish HaTorah.
The author reflects on experiencing a 4.8 magnitude earthquake in New York City and the concept of blessings in Judaism, particularly for unusual events like earthquakes.
In Israel, the Reform movement faces challenges due to Orthodox control over religious and civil matters.
The text delves into the Jewish perspective on solar eclipses, exploring whether they are viewed as natural phenomena or bad omens.
Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis has initiated the Shalem Fellowship program for university students in London aiming to promote advanced Jewish learning.
The discussion in Shiur 463 revolves around the topic of revisiting the involvement of bachurim in the IDF, particularly addressing whether Shevet Levi is exempt from milchemes mitzvah and whether all bachurim are considered Shevet Levi.
The debate in Israel regarding the military draft of Haredi yeshiva students has intensified as exemptions have expired, leading to court orders barring subsidies and potential future draft enforcement.
Jewish volunteers at Rikers Island, NYC's largest jail, lead prayer services and connect with inmates like Howard Padilla, who found solace and mental health through Judaism while incarcerated.

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account_boxMira Fox
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account_boxJacob Gurvis
account_boxJackie Hajdenberg
account_boxLouis Keene
account_boxSimon Rocker