Jewish Law

Shai Held's book, "Judaism Is about Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life," argues that love is a central theme in Judaism, countering historical Christian misconceptions and internalized Jewish negativity towards this idea.
Moment Magazine won two major First Place prizes from the Religion News Association for Magazine Overall Excellence for its Artificial Intelligence issue, which explored the impact of AI on humanity.
This text explores the concept of sacrifice and justice through Jewish texts in the aftermath of Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation for Gaza.
The Chevruta column by Jewish Currents delves into the act of self-immolation by Aaron Bushnell, a US Air Force member, outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, as a protest against US complicity in the assaults on Palestine.
The essay discusses a rabbinic story about the sage Hillel's ruling on offering the Passover Sacrifice in the Temple, highlighting its different versions in Rabbinic literature.
Jessica Jacobs' poetry collection "Unalone" delves into the Torah portions in Genesis, presenting poetic responses to each, blending interpretive, personal, scholarly, and creative elements.
The text discusses the misconception that the philosopher and legal scholar Rambam legitimizes the modern charedi kollel system and exemption from army service.
This week's episode of a Jewish podcast discusses the challenges involved in understanding Ancient Egypt's history, particularly the connection between Ancient Egyptian documentation and Egyptian idolatry.
From April 26 to May 3, specific Shabbat and Pesach times are outlined.
Jewish environmental organizations are leveraging Jewish traditional thought, such as the concept of Bal Tashhit (do not destroy), to drive climate activism by emphasizing the importance of ethical responsibility and community-building.
Raphael Magarik discusses the concept of Shabbat HaGadol as a form of general strike, inspired by Rabbi Joseph di Trani's interpretation.
The Kapshitter family tragedy, where a family was murdered by Hamas terrorists, highlighted the issue of Jewish burial rights in Israel.
The text discusses a crisis of leadership in politics, business, and religion, highlighting widespread distrust towards leaders.
The article discusses the contemporary crisis of trust in leaders across political, corporate, and religious spheres, emphasizing the need for a new attitude towards leadership.
Rabbi Judah the Prince proposed the acronym Dtzakh Adash Bachav to summarize the ten plagues in the Haggadah, prompting diverse interpretations through the ages.
Nate Oman, a devout Mormon, went on a 10-hour drive to Philadelphia to purchase whiskey and other leavened products for Passover from a Jewish congregation through a ritual of selling chametz to a non-Jew.
The discussion delves into the concept of Achdus, exploring whether it is a Halachic requirement or a Hashkafic principle and how it differs from Kiruv.
The text discusses various perspectives on Pesach from a rationalist viewpoint, covering topics such as the size of a kezayis, the significance of eating matzah, and the debates around traditional practices.
Rabbi Ilan Acoca discusses the Matsa Machine Controversy, focusing on the use of technology in the production of matzah.
The discussion explores the theme of loneliness, empathy, and unity in the context of the Talmudic story of Choni and the weekly Torah portion Metzora.
In the discussion of Pesah as Zeman Simhateinu, the text delves into the tradition of referring to the last days of Pesah as a time of rejoicing over victory.
Senator Joe Lieberman contributed a Torah-based essay to a book called Letters to President ClintonBiblical Lessons on Faith and Leadership, a compilation of insights sent to President Bill Clinton by Rabbi Menachem Genack and other notable figures.
Former Senator Joe Lieberman was widely admired for his steadfast commitment to observing Shabbat, despite the challenges it posed during his career as a United States senator.
Joseph Lieberman, a prominent Orthodox Jewish politician in US history, was known for shaping his political views and conduct through Torah study and Orthodox influences.
Exploring a peculiar ritual involving ears, thumbs, and toes from the Torah portion Metzora while delving into its Talmudic origins in this episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole.

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