Jewish Law

The Jewish community is currently experiencing significant divides, particularly regarding the debate around Charedi army service in Israel.
The author commends Jewish students observing Shabbat and performing mitzvot at the United for Palestine encampment at the University of Chicago, clarifying their enthusiastic support for these actions, which were featured in a Chicago Tribune article.
Rabbi Schonfeld and Rabbi Garfield discuss burning questions parents have about raising children in relation to Gemara on the first episode of "Lets Talk Gemara."
The text discusses different philosophical perspectives on free will, including libertarianism, determinism, and compatibilism, and their implications for Jewish thought.
A family is torn over the decision to scatter a mother's ashes in Israel, with the father insisting on the plan despite objections from the adult child due to safety concerns and political disagreements.
The custom of baking "Shlissel Challah" with a key on the Shabbos after Pesach as a segulah for parnassah (sustenance) is debated for its origins, some linking it to non-Jewish practices.
Exploring the eerie realm of Azazel and demons in Parshah Acharei, the 29th episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole delves into mysterious goat-like entities with a warning of the content's potential scariness.
In Parashat Acharei Mot, the sacrificial ritual for Yom Kippur is introduced, referencing the tragic death of Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, during their ordination into the priesthood.
The article explores the Hebrew root כֹּחַ (kof, feh, tav), meaning strength, and its various associations with military might, leadership, and power in Jewish texts and current events in Israel.
The text criticizes a recent statement by the Moetzes Gedolei Torah of Agudas Yisrael in America, highlighting logical and historical contradictions in their position on military service and Torah study.
Ari Kalker, a citizen-soldier who served in the IDF in Gaza, reflects on the challenges of transitioning between military duty and family life as a reservist.
NASA is contemplating the creation of a time zone on the moon, raising questions about how Jewish travelers in space would observe rituals like Shabbat.
The text discusses the significant wealth transfer predicted for millennials, highlighting the importance for the Jewish community to capture a portion of this wealth to ensure its continuity.
"Three Yiddish Plays by Women: Female Jewish Perspectives, 1880-1920," curated by historian Alyssa Quint, introduces three plays highlighting themes of reproductive autonomy, sex work, and the concept of the chained woman in the Yiddish theater.
In "Fallout: Chapter 47," Fred Burton expresses frustration and resentment towards his daughter's behavior, feeling the need for discipline and a reality check.
The text discusses the importance of understanding and appreciating other people's lives and behaviors from their own perspectives, rather than solely from our own viewpoints.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen reflects on his experience officiating hundreds of funerals, emphasizing the importance of creating meaningful moments in people's lives.
For nearly 1,000 years, the Cairo Codex, an illuminated Hebrew manuscript held by the Karaites in Cairo, mysteriously disappeared.
Simcha Gross's book, "Babylonian Jews and Sasanian Imperialism in Late Antiquity," aims to reshape the understanding of the talmudic period by exploring the interactions between Babylonian Jewry and the Sasanian empire.
Shai Held's book, "Judaism Is about Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life," argues that love is a central theme in Judaism, countering historical Christian misconceptions and internalized Jewish negativity towards this idea.
Moment Magazine won two major First Place prizes from the Religion News Association for Magazine Overall Excellence for its Artificial Intelligence issue, which explored the impact of AI on humanity.
This text explores the concept of sacrifice and justice through Jewish texts in the aftermath of Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation for Gaza.
The Chevruta column by Jewish Currents delves into the act of self-immolation by Aaron Bushnell, a US Air Force member, outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, as a protest against US complicity in the assaults on Palestine.
The essay discusses a rabbinic story about the sage Hillel's ruling on offering the Passover Sacrifice in the Temple, highlighting its different versions in Rabbinic literature.
Jessica Jacobs' poetry collection "Unalone" delves into the Torah portions in Genesis, presenting poetic responses to each, blending interpretive, personal, scholarly, and creative elements.

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