Jewish Law

The text discusses the controversy surrounding the issue of yeshiva students being drafted into the IDF, particularly in the perspective of Charedi rabbis who oppose such drafts.
This article reflects on the concept of liberation in the Jewish community this year, particularly transitioning from Purim's themes of threats and instability to Pesach's promise of Divine intervention and liberation.
The text discusses the legal intricacies and religious significance of the practice of selling chametz (leavened food) before Passover, focusing on the formalities and implications involved in this ritual.
A discussion between Justice Stephen Breyer and Robert Siegel about the importance of pragmatism in interpreting the U.S. Constitution, as opposed to textualism, focusing on historical context and consequences in legal decisions.
Chana Weisberg recounts the selfless act of her late father, Rabbi Dovid Schochet, who spent a night in jail to assist another Jew in performing a mitzvah.
A video showcasing the journey of Nicolle Rubinstein, from being not religious to becoming a Chabad emissary in Tamarindo, Costa Rica.
This episode delves into the allure of Egyptology, exploring why it captures people's interest more than Greek and Roman history.
Gedalia M. Stern, a partner at NechelesLaw, is part of former President Trump's legal team in the hush money trial.
Following the events of October 7, which served as a wake-up call for religious Jews worldwide, Mishpacha Magazine embarked on a project to gauge the impact on Jews less connected to their identity or Jewish media.
The writer grapples with the struggle of balancing values as she navigates interactions with her off-the-derech sister in her home.
In "On Call: Chapter 3 Jeopardy," the protagonist, a medical resident, grapples with being called into work on Shabbat as a substitute for a colleague.
In this chapter titled "Jeopardy" from a story called "On Call," a Jewish medical resident is confronted with a dilemma when asked to cover a Saturday night on call shift, conflicting with Shabbat observance.
The text discusses 20 significant contributors' viewpoints on pivotal changes, trends, and developments in the last two decades within the Jewish community.
A proposal has emerged from Charedi parties in Israel suggesting drafting approximately 25% of yeshiva students annually, possibly rising to nearly 50%, a significant departure from longstanding opposition to the draft due to concerns about impacting religious practice.
The text discusses the unique role of Jews in the world, comparing it to driving a nail with a screwdriver - possible but not ideal.
Jury selection has commenced in the hush money trial involving former President Donald Trump, drawing attention to what the Talmud says about payments and tainted sources.
The discussion explores the idea of reintroducing a blasphemy law in the UK considering Noahide laws' prohibition on blasphemy.
Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch, a prominent figure in Lithuanian Jewry, advocates for strict insularity to shield the Jewish community from external influences.
The article discusses the biblical origins and significance behind the naming of large wine bottle sizes, such as Methuselah, Nebuchadnezzar, and others.
"The Hebrew Lips" is a poem reflecting on the tension within Jews between the harshness of biblical texts and the reverence for human life inherent in the Hebrew language.
In 1984, a legal case involving the Sabbath rights of employees in Connecticut brought attention to the religious implications of labor laws.
The poem delves into the world of religious Judaism, touching on themes like the Torah, Talmud, observance, commentary, and prayer before abruptly stripping them away to evoke chaos.
An Indiana state appellate court ruled that Jews have a religious liberty right to abortion under the state's Religious Freedom Restoration Act, potentially setting a precedent for other states.
The text discusses how our perception of reality influences our lives and why people may seek blessings from rabbis to a varying extent.
Donniel Hartman and Sarah Breger discuss the connection between Jewish identity and Jewish values, exploring the strands of "Genesis Judaism" and "Exodus Judaism" and their impact on contemporary Jewish communal life.

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