Jewish Law

The text discusses the pervasive presence of barbarism in humanity and the need to confront and channel it in a sacred manner.
Rabbi Dweck discusses various topics including Eurovision, prayer, and learning with Haredi friends in a Q&A session.
The Parashah Emor focuses on instructions for the priesthood, detailing aspects of rituals and qualifications for offering sacrifices in the Temple.
The author reflects on their personal journey of Jewish affiliation, revealing a deep connection to Orthodox Judaism stemming from a family history where Jewish life was actively maintained.
The article discusses the narrative of the "blasphemer" in Leviticus and challenges the common translation of the sin as blasphemy.
Chapter 4 of "Picture This" depicts Yonah and Estee setting up their home together.
Rabbi Yehuda Levin, a highly respected figure, lived a life marked by both great wealth and personal trials, embodying values of Torah study, modesty, and helping others.
The text describes personal anecdotes related to financial matters and the concept of bitachon, or trust in God.
The text discusses the issue of conformity and revisionist history within the Jewish religious community, noting a shift towards more stringent observance and customs, particularly within the right-wing religious circles.
A Japanese man from a family of Samurai shares his journey of becoming an Orthodox Jew and draws surprising parallels between the two cultures.
A reader seeks advice from a Bintel Brief regarding a noisy neighbor in an assisted living facility who disrupts their sleep with a loud TV.
Rabbi Mari Chernow reflects on the complexities of student movements on college campuses, addressing the dilemma faced by progressive Jews who may be perceived as part of the ruling class.
The Etgar Quiz covers various Jewish topics: a Nobel Prize-winning poet who escaped Nazi Germany (Nelly Sachs), a Chasidic Rebbe and university professor (Rav Yitzchak Twersky), the reasons for Nadav and Avihu's death in the Torah (bringing a forbidden sacrifice), the ship Exodus with Jewish refugees (departed in 1947), shatnez rules (forbidding wool and linen garments), and leaving part of the field for the poor to harvest (pe'ah).
The discussion in Shiur 466 revolves around the permissibility of using electronic devices on Shabbat, particularly those activated through brainwaves or voice commands like Alexa.
The Sephardi Kashrut Authority (SKA) has recently given kosher approval to hula hoops, specifically the ready salted flavor, making it a suitable snack for children's parties and school packed lunches.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a vaccine skeptic, shared in a deposition that a brain worm caused his memory loss, likely from a pork tapeworm, possibly a consequence of his consumption of non-kosher foods.
The Parashah of the week, Kedoshim, emphasizes the command to be holy, highlighting that every action should be sanctified and serve a higher purpose, even mundane tasks like offering a seat to those in need.
The provided text outlines Shabbat times and important dates from May 10 to May 17.
Orthodox Jewish student Reuvi Scheinerman was removed from an American Airlines flight along with another Orthodox passenger, Yehudah Roffman, who had expressed safety concerns about the aircraft.
Various rabbis provide perspectives on whether one can be disqualified from being Jewish.
SAR High School in Riverdale, New York is challenging taboos around sex education in Modern Orthodox high schools by introducing a Jewish Sexual Ethics course that combines Jewish values with open discussions on safe sexual practices.
The author reflects on the challenges of facing post-holiday news in an uncertain world, particularly with rising antisemitism and other global concerns.
Rav Yechiel Perr, the revered Rosh Yeshivah of the Yeshiva of Far Rockaway, passed away at 89, leaving a profound impact on the Torah and mussar world and the community of Far Rockaway and the Five Towns.
Rabbi Ilan Acoca explores the topic of charity laws, focusing on the laws of charity in Jewish tradition.
The Independent Jewish Day School in Hendon has been rated outstanding by Pikuach for its Jewish studies, with high levels of teaching and learning.

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