Jewish Law

Renowned New York klezmer musician Frank London faced a critical health battle with cancer, requiring immediate treatment, forcing him to postpone concerts and a festival.
Toby Lloyd, an atheist, wrote his novel "Fervor" about the Rosenthal family, a religious Jewish family, drawing from his own experiences and interactions with Jewish communities.
The article discusses the Jewish ritual of upsherin, where 3-year-old boys receive their first haircut in a ceremony that symbolizes the transition from infancy to childhood.
Malka Simkovich responds to Yonatan Adler's work on the origins of Judaism, expressing concerns over Adler's focus on social practices over intellectual ideas in defining Jewish identity.
The text discusses a podcast episode where Rabbi Avramel Kivelevitz criticizes Natan Slifkin's views, focusing on the charedi community's response to different approaches in Judaism, Slifkin's critiques of charedi beliefs and practices, and the issue of tone in intellectual discourse.
In a Shiur (Jewish learning session) on dealing with in-laws, the discussion covers handling conflicts between honoring in-laws and one's own parents, the importance of listening to input from in-laws, halachic guidelines for addressing in-laws, how a mother-in-law can address perceived deficiencies in her daughter-in-law, potential father-in-law issues, and establishing healthy boundaries.
This article introduces a recipe for barbecue smores pizza, a delightful twist on the classic smores treat.
Dan Levitt, British Columbia's new seniors advocate, recently traveled to the United Nations to advocate for the rights of Canada's growing population aged 65 and over.
Rabbi Dr. Shai Held's book "Judaism is about Love" delves into the distinction between two types of love in Judaism: ahavah rabbah (abundant, passionate love) and ahavat olam (abiding, eternal love).
The text discusses the concept of trust in the context of the weekly Torah portion Behar, focusing on the mitzvah of shmittah and the observance of Shabbat.
The Shabbat times from May 24 to May 31 are provided for various cities in the UK, including London, Bournemouth, Leeds, Manchester, Gateshead, and Glasgow.
The CJN honors influential Canadian Jews who recently passed away, including figures like Patti Starr involved in a political scandal, Harry Davis the boxing referee, Jack Prince who survived the Holocaust, engineer Alexander Eisen, Rabbi Dovid Schochet of Chabad Lubavitch in Toronto, and women's rights advocate Lita-Rose Betcherman.
Renowned posek Rav Moshe Brandsdorfer discusses the halachic aspects of Lag BaOmer, addressing a query about visiting Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai's kever in Meron.
Lily Greenberg Call, a former Special Assistant at the Department of Interior in the Biden administration, recently resigned in protest of US policy in Gaza, making her the first Jewish staffer to do so over the conflict.
The Abraham Joshua Heschel School in Manhattan has removed a teacher, Daniel Haines, following his arrest on charges of raping a teenage girl in 2022, before he joined the school.
In this article, an encounter is described between a rabbi and staff at an Israeli bank, where despite the staff not being religiously observant, they eagerly request and appreciate the rabbi's blessing.
The traditional depiction of the Luchot (Tablets containing the 10 Commandments) as rounded at the top in most illustrations deviates from the Talmudic description of them as rectangular parallelepipeds, believed to measure 6 tefachim high by 6 tefachim wide by 3 tefachim thick.
Rabbi Chaim and Binyamin Jachter's "The Halachic Haircutting Handbook" delves into the often-debated topic of whether halachah forbids men from shaving their beards, presenting a comprehensive look at the permissibility of using electric shavers according to Jewish law.
The essay discusses the mainstream media's alleged anti-Israel bias, particularly in its coverage of legal actions against Israel, such as investigations by international bodies like the United Nations and the International Criminal Court, labeling them as antisemitic acts and challenging their legitimacy.
Rav Aharon Feldman, a prominent figure in Agudas Yisrael of America, offers a theodicy for the Gaza war in a letter suggesting it was a Divine message due to Israel's perceived godlessness.
Rabbi Schonfeld, Rabbi Garfield, and Rav Aaron Lopiansky delve into various important issues regarding the study of gemara in part two of their discussion.
The podcast delves into the timeline of Resurrection, exploring what happens after the era of the Messiah, the concept of multiple resurrections, and the endpoint when the world can only endure for 6,000 years.
Rabbi Ken Spiro provides a breakdown of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, analyzing the connections to Israel and highlighting the prevalence of antisemitism.
The author discusses the importance of condemning settler violence in Israel, drawing parallels between extremist groups like Hamas and radicalized Israeli settlers.
Exploring the halachic implications of Elijah the Prophet visiting a cemetery in the Parshah Rabbit Hole episode 31 (Emor).

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