Jewish Law

The discussion revolves around the permissibility of using zip-ties to hold down the sekhakh (covering) of a sukkah.
In 1976, a movement to introduce intensive Talmud study at Stern College for Women was born, prompted by Dr. Haym Soloveitchik's belief in the importance of women studying Talmud systematically.
The article discusses the Jewish ritual of Kapparot, where a chicken is waved around one's head as a form of atonement.
Rabbinic leaders of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement have issued a proclamation urging immediate reporting of all forms of abuse, including child sexual abuse, to secular authorities.
The article discusses the parallels between Shakespeare's play "King Lear" and the biblical story of the binding of Isaac.
Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger discusses with Moishe (Mark) Bane the challenges of prayer, emphasizing how tefillah reflects our connection to Hashem and the importance of understanding prayer as a means to cleave to God.
Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger and Moishe Bane discuss the challenges of prayer, emphasizing that the essence of prayer is developing a deep connection to Hashem.
NCSY has created a unique Siddur aimed at revolutionizing teenage prayer experiences, filled with stories, questions, and images to inspire young people's connection to prayer.
Rav Shimshon Pincus' book, "Gates of Prayer: The Ten Terms of TefillahSpanning the Spectrum of Prayer," explores the nuances and importance of prayer, emphasizing the need for understanding and growth in one's prayer practice.
In "Gates of Prayer: The Ten Terms of Tefillah," authored by Shimshon Dov Pincus and reviewed by Gil Student, the focus is on understanding and appreciating prayer in a profound manner akin to recognizing works of art or fine wine.
This article provides a list of recommended books on prayer that have been helpful for personal prayer and teaching.
The text discusses the different ways individuals approach prayer, highlighting two main modalities: avodah shebalev, where one connects emotionally and intellectually with Hashem during prayer, and incantational prayer, where the recitation of holy words is believed to have a supernatural effect regardless of understanding.
In this discussion on the state of prayer ("tefillah"), Daniel Korobkin explores the concept of prayer with intention ("kavanah") versus the recitation of prayers.
Rabbi David Levy, a rabbi from West Virginia who made aliyah in 1996, shared his experience of dealing with the death of his son, Noam, who died in a counter-terrorism mission in 2009.
The legend of Narcissus, as retold by Ovid, involves a young man overly obsessed with his own beauty, leading to tragic consequences.
The article explores the misconception that Jews have not historically engaged in visual art due to the prohibition against making images in the Second Commandment.
The text discusses the issue of subjecting non-Jewish nominees to religious tests during confirmation hearings, focusing on the recent Senate judiciary committee hearing with Professor Amy Barrett, a devout Catholic, nominated for the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, in a sermon on the 150th anniversary of the United States Constitution, praised America for having a government structure that resists totalitarianism, contrasting it with the fascist and communist regimes in Europe.
The discussion centers around the growing popularity of the Slonimer Rebbe's work, Netivot Shalom, in various Jewish communities and its representation of Hasidic teachings.
Rabbi Hayyim Soloveitchik's innovative method of Talmud study, known as the Brisker method, became popular in Lithuanian yeshivot in the early 20th century.
The article discusses the historical and contemporary silence of Orthodox Judaism in addressing social justice issues, particularly in the context of the Charlottesville events.
In a reflection on a recent court case involving get-torturers, the focus lies on the courts' dismissal of the torturers' claims of religious liberty under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).
United Torah Judaism, a haredi party in the Israeli Knesset, is grappling with the question of whether electricity can be kosher if operated by non-Jews on Shabbat.
In the poem "Being Single" by R. Rosenfeld, the experience of loneliness, frustration, and societal judgment faced by single individuals, particularly women, is poignantly depicted.
The text explores the rationale behind Shabbat observance in Judaism, highlighting two main perspectives: one based on God's resting after creating the world, emphasized in Exodus, and another focused on commemorating the Exodus from Egypt and promoting social equality, as articulated in Deuteronomy.

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