
The article investigates whether Steve Bannon, President Donald Trump's former chief strategist, is really an anti-Semite, citing various instances that question his stance on Jews.
A recent settlement in a lawsuit involving the Bloomingburg Jewish Education Center and developer Shalom Lamm against the village of Bloomingburg and town of Mamakating in upstate New York highlights the presence of anti-Jewish prejudice in certain American communities.
The article discusses how Donald Trump utilizes anti-Semitic rhetoric against Hillary Clinton, despite her not being Jewish, by drawing parallels between stereotypes of Jews and Clinton.
In a discussion on the Tel Aviv Review podcast, Kathryn David from NYU's Jordan Center delves into how the media conflict between Russia and Ukraine during the Crimean crisis has involved leveraging Jews and anti-Semitism.
The rise of anti-Semitism amidst discussions of racism and privilege is a growing concern, particularly evident in political and social spheres like the UK's Labour Party, American universities, and social media.
The article discusses how Donald Trump gained popularity among white supremacists due to his statements and policies perceived as racist, such as banning Muslims and stereotyping Mexican immigrants.
A recently auctioned letter by former President William Howard Taft criticized Louis Brandeis' nomination to the Supreme Court, calling it anti-Semitic.
The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has raised concerns about anti-Semitism at some City University of New York (CUNY) campuses, particularly involving Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).
The Monks Haggadah, a unique Passover haggadah kept in a Bavarian monastery since the late 15th century, was discovered during the secularization process.
In 2015, amid a backdrop of European challenges including terrorism and anti-Semitism, Berlin's Komische Oper and Opra National de Paris staged Arnold Schoenberg's Moses und Aron.
Sue Klebold, the mother of one of the Columbine High School shooters, Dylan Klebold, grapples with his legacy in the aftermath of the 1999 tragedy.
The article discusses the firing of basketball coach David Blatt, who is a supporter of Israel and Likud.
On the 50th anniversary of Vatican II, the impact of Nostra Aetate, a document addressing the Church's relationship with non-Christian religions and specifically Judaism, is discussed.
The Evangelical Church in Germany, consisting of Lutheran, Reformed, and United churches, has officially distanced itself from the anti-Semitic views of its founder, Martin Luther.
"Spotlight" is a powerful film that portrays the Boston Globe's investigative team, Spotlight, uncovering the sexual abuse of children by priests in the Boston Catholic diocese.
In a live show at the Slifka Center at Yale University, the Unorthodox podcast featured Shelly Kagan, a philosophy professor at Yale, known for being a tough grader and a non-welfarist consequentialist.
The Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial in Kiev, Ukraine, commemorating the massacre of 34,000 Jews by German SS troops in 1941, was recently torched by unidentified assailants on Rosh Hashanah.
The text discusses the Israelization of Judaism and the Jewish community in France, particularly in light of increasing anti-Semitic attacks.
The Death of Klinghoffer, an opera inspired by the 1985 Achille Lauro hijacking, has faced controversy for its depiction of the events and the character of Leon Klinghoffer, an elderly Jewish man killed during the hijacking.
"An Officer and a Spy" by Robert Harris reexamines the Dreyfus Affair from the perspective of Lieutenant-Colonel Marie-Georges Picquart, emphasizing his role in exonerating the Jewish Captain Alfred Dreyfus, who was falsely accused of espionage for Germany.
The article discusses the rise of anti-Semitism in France, attributing it to a mix of historical Islamic anti-Judaism, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and political developments in France since the 1980s.
Leo Frank, a Jewish man from Atlanta, was wrongfully convicted of the rape and murder of a 13-year-old girl in 1913 amidst anti-Semitic and anti-Northern sentiments.
The article discusses a debate about the Obama Administration's tactics in selling the Iran deal and the perceived anti-Semitic undertones in the White House's campaign.
Tabletseditors criticize the White House and its allies for allegedly smearing American Jews to promote the Iran nuclear deal, pointing to articles in The New York Times and The Washington Post.
The New York Times has accused Republican lawmakers opposing the Iran nuclear deal of being more loyal to Israel's Prime Minister than to the U.S. President.

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