
The question "Is it OK to be white?" has been raised in various contexts, sparking debates and controversies.
Dr. David Hirsh, a sociologist at Goldsmith's, University of London, explores the rise of anti-Semitic attitudes within socialist and progressive groups in his book Contemporary Left Antisemitism, highlighting how such bigotry has become more prevalent in these circles.
David Sugarman, the CEO of the Manischewitz Company, was recently recognized with the Americanism Award at the Anti-Defamation League's Annual Gala Celebration.
The essay delves into the issue of racism within Judaism, exploring how religious particularism can contribute to prejudicial attitudes and xenophobia.
The text explores the complex familial dynamics and radicalization of Mohamed Merah, who was responsible for a killing spree in France in 2012.
In 2012, Mohamed Merah, supported by his brother Abdelkader, carried out a series of killings in Toulouse, France, which included soldiers and Jewish children at a school.
When Hitler rose to power in 1933, German Jews, who numbered 535,000, faced increasing violence and discrimination as the Nazi regime implemented anti-Jewish laws and decrees, aiming to force Jews to leave Germany.
Michael Pellegrino, a stockbroker, alleges that Morgan Stanley terminated him for pursuing Hasidic clients, claiming his bosses at the firm disparaged Hasidic Jews and rejected his applications to work with them.
A bill aimed at enhancing penalties for threats on religious institutions, sparked by a series of threats on Jewish community centers, has been advanced by a U.S. House of Representatives committee.
Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther spearheaded the Protestant Reformation with criticisms against the Roman Catholic church, yet his views on Jews turned deeply anti-Semitic over time.
A museum exhibition in Berlin sheds light on how the Nazis manipulated Martin Luther's anti-Semitic writings to advance their agenda, particularly showcasing his work "On The Jews And Their Lies."
Josh Mandel, a U.S. Senate candidate from Ohio, has accepted the first endorsement from a new Super PAC called #REV18 created by alt-right conspiracy theorists Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec, signaling an alliance between a Jewish politician and the alt-right.
The article discusses the contrasting approaches of Presidents Obama and Trump towards Jewish values and perspectives.
The author reflects on her experience during the Yom Kippur War in 1973, highlighting the personal and societal impacts of the conflict in Israel.
Heinrich Heine's prophetic statement, "Where they have burned books, they will end up burning people," is now engraved on the Bibliotek memorial in Berlin, commemorating the May 10, 1933 book burning presided over by Joseph Goebbels.
The article discusses the complex relationship between the Lowell family, Harvard University, and the Jewish community.
Joseph Sss Oppenheimer, a court Jew in 18th-century Germany, faced a tumultuous rise and fall that culminated in a trial and execution in 1737-1738.
Bruno Chaouat's book, "Is Theory Good for the Jews?" critically examines how postmodern theorists in Europe and America have often failed to effectively address rising anti-Semitism and have at times perpetuated anti-Semitic sentiments, particularly in relation to Israel.
"The Patriots" by Sana Krasikov is a novel that follows the life of Florence Fein, an American Jew who moves to the USSR seeking a just society but ends up disillusioned, manipulated into betraying others, and suffering in the Gulag.
On the podcast episode "Keeping Up With the Netanyahus," the hosts Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Charlotte Hall delve into the controversies surrounding the Netanyahu family in Israel.
In the Jewish year 5777, notable moments included Bob Dylan winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, the UN criticizing Israeli settlements with the US abstaining, President Trump taking office with his Jewish advisors Ivanka and Jared, over 100 bomb threats to JCCs in the US and Canada, Trump's visit to Israel with a stop at the Western Wall, Israel freezing plans for a pluralistic Western Wall section, a controversy at the Chicago Dyke March over Jewish symbols, neo-Nazis rallying in Charlottesville, and Hurricane Harvey affecting the Jewish community in Houston.
David Benkof, a conservative Republican gay Orthodox Jewish columnist, shares his unique perspective on current events, discussing his vote for Hillary Clinton and subsequent move to Israel as a "Trump refugee," his views on presidential racism and anti-Semitism, why he believes religious pluralism in Israel is negative while peace with the Palestinians is positive.
Alon Pinkas discusses Netanyahu's failure to condemn anti-Semitism and its impact on Israel-diaspora relations with Eli Kowaz and Noa Shusterman in an episode titled "The Sound of Silence: Netanyahu and the Condemnation that Wasn't."
The text discusses the ongoing debate surrounding statues of individuals with a history of oppressing specific groups, particularly focusing on monuments to anti-Semites.
CNN fired pro-Trump commentator Jeffrey Lord for tweeting the Nazi slogan "Sieg Heil" and calling the liberal organization Media Matters fascist after a Twitter exchange with its head, Angelo Carusone.

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