
Despite initial resistance, a Holocaust memorial honoring the 1,434 Jews of Kavala, Greece who perished in the Holocaust was unveiled after international pressure.
In a response to Ethan Katz and Maud Mandel, Shmuel Trigano critiques their perspective on French anti-Semitism, highlighting divergent opinions on the roots and implications of anti-Jewish violence in France.
In his article "Strange Journey: A Response to Shmuel Trigano," the author reflects on Shmuel Trigano's analysis of the rise of anti-Semitism in France, attributing it to historical events in the 1980s and traditional teachings of Islam.
In "The Daemon in Mr. Bloom," the discussion revolves around T.S. Eliot's views on race, religion, and anti-Semitism in 1933, contrasting with the Jewish scholar Harold Bloom's upbringing and literary influences.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. caused controversy by likening mandatory vaccines to a Holocaust, specifically referencing autism in children as a result.
Frank Herbert's iconic science fiction novel "Dune" presents a futuristic universe where religion is a potent force influenced by Judaism and other faiths, portrayed in a scrambled manner.
The Jewish community in Manchester, a prominent Orthodox hub, is experiencing a surge in anti-Semitic incidents, including swastikas, abuse, and violence, with a 79% rise in such incidents last year.
Al Rosen, the Cleveland Indians' former third baseman known as the Hebrew Hammer, died at 91.
A significant increase in French Jews making aliyah to Israel is driven by a growing sense of insecurity due to rising anti-Semitism in France.
Leonard Nimoy, known for playing Mr. Spock in Star Trek, reflects on his Jewish upbringing and the impact of anti-Semitism he faced growing up in Boston.
Swastikas and the word "Hitler" were found graffitied at the former Mauthausen concentration camp, now a museum and memorial.
Götz Aly's book "Why the Germans?" delves into the historical roots of German anti-Semitism leading to the Holocaust.
In the Fateless: The Beilis Trial a Century Later, the text discusses Mendel Beilis's notorious trial in 1913, accused of a blood libel murder in Tsarist Russia.
The text discusses the prevalence of anti-Semitism in modern discourse, particularly in the context of criticisms leveled against Israel.
The article discusses the controversy surrounding the Metropolitan Opera's staging of "The Death of Klinghoffer," focusing on the reactions to the opera about the 1985 hijacking of the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro by Palestinians and the murder of passenger Leon Klinghoffer.
A Swiss company, Migros, has issued an apology and recalled around 2,000 creamer packets featuring images of Hitler and Mussolini found in coffee shops in Switzerland after a commuter discovered the controversial containers at a train station.
An ex-member of the European Parliament reflects on the bias and hostility towards Israel among European political and academic elites.
In "Yankel's Tavern: Jews, Liquor, & Life in the Kingdom of Poland," Glenn Dynner challenges the myth of Jewish sobriety and explores the deep intertwining of Jews with the liquor trade in 19th-century Poland.
Hannah Arendt's analysis of the Adolf Eichmann trial in "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil" stirred controversy with her proposition that the Nazi's execution of the Final Solution was banal, potentially placing partial blame on Jewish councils negotiating with the Nazis.
Two 13-year-old boys were arrested for vandalizing a Jewish cemetery in Manchester, England, where swastikas were painted on tombstones and 40 headstones were toppled, resulting in an estimated £100,000 worth of damage.
Martin Heidegger's recently published Black Notebooks reveal his deep entanglement with National Socialism, anti-Semitism, and belief in the superiority of the German Volk throughout the 1930s and 1940s, shedding light on his controversial political views.
The text discusses the complex historical and contemporary role of Ukrainian Jews in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, highlighting their involvement in the Maidan protests, the presence of controversial nationalist groups with anti-Semitic histories in Ukrainian politics, and instances of anti-Semitic violence in Ukraine.
The text discusses the evolution of ideas on religion, atheism, and postmodernism, particularly through the analysis of Terry Eagleton's book "Culture and the Death of God."
The article explores the duality of Ty Cobb, a legendary baseball player, and an anti-Semite.
The article discusses the Menachem Beilis "Blood Libel" case that took place in Tsarist Russia over 100 years ago, where Beilis, a Jewish man, was wrongly accused of murdering a 13-year-old Christian boy.

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