
The national convention of the Democratic Socialists of America recently passed a pro-BDS resolution, leading to a chant that provoked controversy.
In France, the Torcy-Cannes gang, led by Jeremie-Louis Sidney, engaged in anti-Semitic Islamist violence.
Rabbi Norman Lamm's theology of anti-racism focused on the responsibilities of those with power and freedom in society, particularly in addressing the issue of racism and the Civil Rights Movement.
Allan Bloom's influential book "The Closing of the American Mind" ignited a firestorm of controversy when published in 1987, criticizing higher education for failing democracy and impoverishing students' souls.
In "The End of Europe" by James Kirchick, the author explores the rise of figures like Nigel Farage in the UK and Angela Merkel in Germany within the context of growing populism and nationalism across Europe.
"The Wandering Jew Has Arrived" by Albert Londres is a reissued work shedding light on the French investigative journalist's 1929-1930 travels to Jewish communities in Europe and Palestine, highlighting the rise of anti-Semitism and his support for Zionism.
Sarah Halimi, a 67-year-old Jewish woman, was brutally beaten and killed in Paris by a Muslim attacker who recited verses from the Quran before and after the murder.
The murder of Lucie Sarah Halimi, a religious woman in Paris, by a 27-year-old African Muslim, brought attention to the complexities of the case.
Alan Kadish discusses the concept of chosenness and bias within the Jewish community, noting a rise in racism and antisemitism in American society and proposing a review of Jewish attitudes towards others.
The play "The Deputy," authored by Rolf Hochhuth, openly criticized Pope Pius XII's response to the Holocaust and was staged in 1963 by director Erwin Piscator, with Leo Kerz as the set designer and a Jewish refugee.
Shmura matzo is a type of matzo that is closely supervised from the time the wheat is harvested to ensure it does not come into contact with water before baking, making it suitable for the Passover holiday.
Isaac Deutscher, a former Gerer Hasid who became a prominent Marxist journalist and historian, underwent a transformative journey from his Jewish roots to a secular worldview.
Sebastian Gorka, a top aide to President Trump, has been identified as a member of the far-right Hungarian group Vitzi Rend, associated with Nazi collaboration during World War II.
The Book of Esther has different versions in Jewish, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant scriptures, impacting the portrayal of God's presence and the themes of human initiative and assimilation.
Frauke Petry is the leader of the Alternative for Deutschland (AfD), a nationalist party in Germany known for its anti-immigrant stance and desire to preserve German identity.
Dozens of high school seniors at Cypress Ranch High School in Texas gave a Nazi salute during a class photo shoot after being asked to pose in a funny manner.
Today may bring troubling news, but amidst it all, let's celebrate the 35th birthday of Daveed Diggs, star of "Hamilton" and a prominent figure in the Jewish community.
Many Jewish groups remain hesitant after President Trump emphasized "America First" in his inaugural speech, a phrase historically associated with anti-Semitism and U.S. isolationism during WWII.
The text discusses the concept of golems in Jewish folklore and how it has been used in modern contexts.
Bernard-Henri Lévy (BHL), a prominent French intellectual known as a philosophe, explores the connection between Judaism, his personal life, and political activism in "The Genius of Judaism."
An iron gate inscribed with the words "Arbeit macht frei" which was stolen from the Dachau concentration camp in Germany has been found in Norway two years after the theft.
The Church of Norway, part of Lutheranism, has denounced its founder Martin Luther for his anti-Semitic writings in light of the 500-year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.
The text discusses the mainstreaming of anti-Semitism in America coming from both the political right and left, with examples ranging from online harassment to public statements from various figures.
Donald Trump's transition team avoided directly condemning a white supremacist conference where his victory was celebrated, stating broadly that Trump opposes racism.
The article discusses how a writer, Joshua Seidel, misquoted Steve Bannon regarding his alleged views on Jewish women.

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