
Steve West, a Republican who won a primary for a Missouri House seat, has a history of making anti-Semitic and bigoted remarks, including endorsing Hitler's views on Germany and spreading conspiracy theories about Jews.
In the 1947 film "Gentleman's Agreement," directed by Elia Kazan and starring Gregory Peck, a gentile journalist adopts a Jewish identity to expose the prevalent anti-Semitism in postwar American society, particularly among the upper class.
The article discusses the significance of books in marking time periods and recommends three novels as beach reads for the summer.
Canary Mission, an anonymous online blacklist targeting pro-Palestinian activists, is increasingly being used by Israeli officials to interrogate and bar individuals from entering Israel based on their profiles.
Samuel Woodward, a suspect in the murder of Blaze Bernstein, now faces a hate crime charge for allegedly targeting Bernstein because of his sexual orientation.
The text discusses the intersection of Jewish identity and the digital world, critiquing the notion of a shiva app and the internet's inherent lack of Jewishness.
In the 1930s, as anti-Semitism rose in the U.S., Jewish gangsters like Meyer Lansky took violent action against anti-Semitic groups like the Nazi Bund, disrupting their meetings and attacking members to prevent their activities.
The article discusses the concept of "white-passing" within the Jewish community, particularly focusing on the experiences of Jews of Color.
An American-Israeli man, Michael Kadar, was convicted in Tel Aviv District Court for making numerous bomb threats to Jewish institutions, schools, and airlines in the United States.
With the U.S. and Israeli teams out of the World Cup, the dilemma remains for Jewish fans regarding which team to support.
In the play "Last Exit Before Brexit," philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy passionately argues against Brexit, seeing it as damaging for both Britain and Europe.
Congress is increasing its efforts to combat anti-Semitism, with a focus on appointing a Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism and introducing a bill to define and address anti-Semitism in educational settings.
In this discussion, Noah Efron, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Don Futterman explore the dynamics of the relationship between American and Israeli Jews, with Israelis indicating that American Jewish opinions matter, but not significantly.
The author laments the manipulation of Palestinians by terrorist organizations and criticizes those who prioritize condemning Israel over acknowledging the suffering of Palestinians.
Professor Milton Shain, an expert in the history of Jews and anti-Semitism in South Africa, provides a unique perspective on the Jewish community in the region in contrast to the more commonly known history of Jewish settlement in America.
A new exhibition at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum sheds light on FDR's involvement in a eugenic project during World War II, aiming to resettle displaced Europeans, particularly Jews.
In Berlin, a rally was held in response to an anti-Semitic attack on a young Arab man wearing a kippah.
President Trump's recent cabinet reshuffle in key foreign policy roles is discussed in the latest episode of AJC Passport with insights from Elliott Abrams, a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.
Washington, D.C. Councilman Trayon White, who faced criticism for suggesting that the Rothschild family controls the weather, has been receiving numerous invitations to Passover seders from the Jewish community.
British Jews are uniting in protest against the Labour Party's normalization of anti-Semitism under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership.
The text discusses the ongoing issue of anti-Semitism within Britain's Labour Party, as hate incidents against Jews in Britain are on the rise.
In late May 1903, Prince Sergey Urusov was appointed governor of Bessarabia following anti-Jewish riots in Kishinev, Russia, where 49 people were killed and many injured in a two-day rampage.
The discussion centers around the concept of doublethink as manifested in the experiences of Jews in the context of Soviet history.
Dr. Martina Weisz examines the role of Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese colonial endeavors following their expulsion from these countries in the late 15th century.
Tamika Mallory's association with Louis Farrakhan, a known anti-Semite, has sparked criticism toward the Womens March movement she co-chairs.

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