
The Leo Frank story, revolving around the trial, conviction, and lynching of Leo Frank in 1915, is seen as a pivotal moment in American Jewish history, sparking unity in the face of anti-Semitism.
The discussion surrounding Jewish involvement in the slave trade has been a contentious one, often fueled by groups like the Nation of Islam.
Sephardi Voices is an ongoing project dedicated to recording and archiving the testimonies of Jews displaced from North Africa and the Middle East in the 20th century.
Boston synagogues have canceled Shabbat services due to the ongoing manhunt for the suspect in the Boston Marathon attacks, while the suspects family members express conflicting opinions about his involvement.
Oklahoma state representative Dennis Johnson used the anti-Semitic phrase "try to Jew me down" during a debate on price controls in the state's House of Representatives, stating it's acceptable as part of the free market.
President Obama reassured resilience in the face of adversity at a Boston Marathon bombing memorial.
Investigators have not identified any suspects in the recent Boston Marathon attacks, urging people with relevant footage to come forward.
Anthony Baker, a former staffer in the office of New York City Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, resigned after being revealed as the person behind the Twitter account "Hyman Doodlesack" where he posted racist and sexist tweets.
Jacques Derrida, the French philosopher known for deconstruction, was not easily categorized as a Jewish thinker despite his Algerian Jewish heritage.
The text discusses the historical accusations of host desecration against Jews, particularly in post-Reformation Poland.
In Umberto Eco's novel "The Prague Cemetery," the character Peter Rachkovsky explains the origins and implications of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fabricated text purporting a Jewish conspiracy for world domination.
The text discusses the aftermath of the uprising in Egypt, focusing on the symbolism of protesters cleaning up Tahrir Square as a sign of a desire for a new civic responsibility.
In "Capitalism and the Jews" by Jerry Z. Muller, the complex relationship between capitalism and Jewish identity is explored.
General Ulysses S. Grant issued an order to expel Jews from areas under his command during the Civil War as he believed it would curb illegal trading, although many non-Jews were also involved in such activities.
The article explores the Jewish background and themes in the classic Rankin and Bass animated Christmas specials like "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and "The Little Drummer Boy."
The text discusses the historical and contemporary debates surrounding ritual circumcision, focusing on a recent legal case in Germany that led to a temporary ban on non-medical circumcisions.
Australian radio host John Michael Howson, who claims Jewish ancestry, was suspended for a month after shouting "Sieg Heil" three times at Julian Assange's mother, Christine, following a disagreement about an interview.
An advertisement in New York City suburbs featuring maps of Israeli and Palestinian territories has sparked controversy, with some labeling it as anti-Semitic.
The article "Europe Unified, by Soccer" reflects on the Euro soccer tournament as a representation of a diverse and multiethnic Europe, contrasting it with the political and social realities in the host countries, Poland and Ukraine, including instances of anti-Semitism and racism.
The article discusses whether Occupy Wall Street is anti-Semitic, particularly referring to its origins linked to the magazine Adbusters, which previously published a controversial article about influential Jews in America.
An Orthodox Jewish student at Barnard College was allegedly advised by Prof. Rachel McDermott against taking a course by Joseph Massad due to his anti-Israel views, suggesting the student explore Jewish history instead.
The article explores the impact of anti-Semitism on public officials, particularly in the aftermath of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
Jonathan Pollard, a former American naval intelligence analyst convicted of spying for Israel in 1987, has served the longest prison term in American history for espionage for an ally.
The author shares a conflicted encounter with another Jewish parent at his son's school, whom he deeply despises for perceived negative traits that mirror anti-Semitic stereotypes.
Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) in Canada has highlighted a growing anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiment on Canadian campuses, despite the Canadian government's strong support for Israel in recent years.

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