
Henry Roth's literary journey is characterized by extreme highs and lows.
The text discusses various experiences and reflections of individuals living in Israel.
French-Moroccan Jewish comedian Gad Elmaleh's son, Raphael, was recently baptized in the royal chapel of Monaco with his mother, Charlotte Casiraghi, who is of royal descent.
Saul Bellow's eulogy for Bernard Malamud highlights their shared immigrant backgrounds and American experiences, despite differing literary success.
In 2013, the name Noah surpassed Jacob as the most popular name for baby boys, possibly influenced by the blockbuster film "Noah" directed by Darren Aronofsky.
Funny or Die's video humorously portrays James Bond as a mensch, reflecting on Harvey Weinstein's criticism of Hollywood violence.
This article delves into the author's journey from embracing Orthodox Judaism to struggling with anorexia as a teenager.
Darren Aronofsky's film "Noah" has been described as a cinematic mess, offering a dark, excessive, and eccentric retelling of the biblical story of Noah's ark.
The movie Noah, directed by Darren Aronofsky, portrays Noah and his family as vegetarians who view eating meat as a sin against God.
Einat Admony's book "Balaboosta" shares a blend of Mediterranean recipes alongside personal stories of her life as a chef, mother, and wife in New York City, reflecting her Israeli roots and diverse culinary influences.
A person born to convert parents recounts how Froot Loops became their first Jewish food, providing a sense of belonging within a Jewish family environment, despite lacking ancestral ties to Judaism.
The article discusses the dilemma faced by fans of Woody Allen following allegations of sexual abuse by his stepdaughter, Dylan Farrow.
Magdalena, a new upscale Arabic restaurant in Israel owned by Arab Christian chef Yousef Hanna, has gained popularity for its gourmet Galilee-style Arabic cuisine with influences from Lebanese and Mediterranean dishes.
This article discusses the Bavarian dessert Dampfnudeln, which translates to steamed dumplings.
In the 1970s in Moscow, young Jewish girl Regina Blekh looked forward to celebrating the secular New Years tree holiday, akin to Christmas with Ded Moroz bringing gifts, a tradition shared by all Soviet children regardless of ethnicity.
The author humorously discusses ways to have the least Christmas-y Christmas ever, proposing alternative activities to counter the holiday spirit, especially relevant for those feeling pressured by the season's festivities.
In this text, Allison, Eilon, and Noah discuss Buzghi Herzog, the new head of the Labor Party, and his peace initiatives, the influence of social media on the Knesset, and the changing cultural landscape.
The author recounts her journey of converting to Judaism and the pivotal role the ritual bath, mikveh, played in her conversion process despite initial reservations.
Allison, Eilon, Don, and Noah explore the fusion of American and Israeli cultures in the context of Thanksgivukah, delving into topics such as the state of the Conservative Movement in America and Israel, the motivations of American settlers in the West Bank, and the experiences of American immigrants raising children in Israel.
The author reflects on growing up feeling like an outsider as a Jewish individual in a non-Jewish neighborhood, where Christmas celebrations dominated.
In a discussion on Jewish motherhood stereotypes, Naomi Zeveloff explores the complexity and diversity of Jewish mothers through various personal stories.
In a discussion titled "Threats, Sh*t & Tats," Allison, Eilon, and Noah cover various topics including the Supreme Court's criticism of the government, a leaked UN microphone revealing disproportionate targeting of Israel, and the growing trend of tattoos among Israelis.
Tablet HQ recently held a Thanksgivukkah haiku contest garnering over 170 entries, with recurring themes of dreidels, latkes, oil, candles, family, turkeys, and thankfulness.
With Thanksgivukkah approaching, the article presents four sweet potato recipes perfect for the occasion: a classic sweet potato casserole with marshmallows and pineapple, a southwestern tsimmes stuffed in chilies, curried sweet potato latkes, and Moroccan sweet potatoes and vegetables.
A Jewish Senior Center in Brooklyn's Manhattan Beach experienced a significant shift in atmosphere and routine due to the impact of Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

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