
The article discusses the increasing trend of Jewish chefs and foodies incorporating pork, a non-kosher meat, into traditional Jewish cuisine in a post-modern food era.
Tu B'Shevat is a Jewish holiday known as the new year for trees, falling on the 15th of Shevat on the Hebrew calendar, around February.
The author grapples with the question of whether practicing yoga as a Modern Orthodox Jew conflicts with Jewish beliefs.
The article from Tablet Magazine delves into the theme of children in Jewish tradition, drawing parallels between the barren woman seeking fertility and the people of Israel awaiting redemption.
S. An-sky, the Belarus-born polymath also known as Shloyme Zanvl Rappoport, is not just known for his famous 1914 play "The Dybbuk", but also for his vast range of achievements in poetry, fiction, ethnography, and more.
Sukkot, a holiday marking the pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem, is celebrated by building temporary dwellings called sukkahs where meals are eaten and slept in.
The author shares their journey of conversion to Judaism, which was sparked by a desire since their early teens but was suppressed due to societal expectations and family concerns.
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, falls on the first day of the seventh month Tishrei but is significant as a day for reflection, repentance, and judgment by God.
The text discusses the idea of Jewish celebrities reclaiming their birth names as a way to celebrate their Jewish heritage and combat past anti-Semitism.
The text explores the cultural significance of coffee in Israeli society, highlighting the division between those who prefer the traditional method of brewing Turkish coffee with a finjan pot and those who opt for espresso made with modern machines.
The author reflects on a serendipitous connection with a distant Texan cousin, Marc Glosserman, who founded the Texas-style barbecue restaurant Hill Country in New York.
After the author's brother died by suicide, his family struggled with the decision to honor the brother's wish to be cremated, which goes against traditional Jewish beliefs that emphasize the respect for the body and the importance of burial for future resurrection.
The text is a personal reflection on fertility issues and the desire for motherhood, particularly in the context of dealing with PCOS and the challenges of conception.
As Orthodox Jews are traveling to diverse destinations, they face challenges like praying on a plane or dealing with the International Date Line.
The article discusses the tumultuous relationship between two iconic figures associated with the Jewish Daily Forward: editor Abraham Cahan and writer Isaac Bashevis Singer.
At the Jewish Museum's Centennial Purim Ball, Mayor Michael Bloomberg highlighted the museum's significance and fundraising success.

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