Jewish Law

This podcast explores the significance of understanding who wrote the Torah.
The text discusses a series of dialogues involving Rav Hisda, Abaye, and others, reflecting on themes of self-doubt, imperfection, and prayer.
The Midrash uses Adam's sin as a cautionary tale to illustrate the severity of sin, comparing his punishment to that of Cain's for murder.
In response to the Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925, which highlighted the issue of Darwinism, two New York Orthodox rabbis, Leo Jung and David de Sola Pool, offered contrasting perspectives on evolution in the Jewish Forum in 1926.
The legality and constitutionality of the traditional live-chicken version of the kapparot ritual, often performed by some members of the Jewish community, is being challenged in a federal case in California by an animal rights group, United Poultry Concerns.
The text discusses the role of "gedolim" (great Torah scholars) in Jewish communities, particularly in Modern/Centrist Orthodoxy and Liberal Orthodoxy.
The article discusses the Rabbinic attempt to remove the book of Kohelet from the Biblical canon, referencing a passage in Shabbat 30b.
This episode of Unorthodox discusses Robert Zimmerman receiving a Nobel Prize, with Jewish guest David Kaufman sharing insights on Amare Stoudemire relocating to Jerusalem.
In "Not in the Market for a Gadol," Wendy Amsellem responds to Chaim Saiman's essay on the idea of communities led by a revered rabbinic figure known as a gadol.
The symposium titled "The Market for Gedolim" brings together various writers providing reflections on the topic raised by Chaim Saiman's recent work for Lehrhaus.
Prof. Chaim Saiman delves into the differing perspectives on gedolim (great Torah scholars) in Haredi, Centrist Orthodox, and liberal Orthodox communities.
Chaim Saiman's essay explores the concept of a gadol, a revered Jewish leader, within Centrist Orthodox and Haredi communities, highlighting the centrality of authority and Daas Torah.
The text explores the evolution and controversy surrounding the Alenu prayer, specifically its historical anti-Gentile language targeting Christians.
The essay delves into the message of Isaiah 58 in relation to Yom Kippur and fasting, challenging the traditional understanding of fasting solely as refraining from food and drink.
The text explores different motivations for religious commitment, focusing on the story of Jonah from the Bible.
The text discusses the authorship of the Torah, exploring the implications of whether it is considered the word of God as traditionally believed by Jews or just another ancient document.
Alan Cooper, once a singer for Sha Na Na at Woodstock, is currently a Jewish studies professor at JTS.
The Karaite Jews, a group often unfamiliar to mainstream Jewish communities, uphold a form of Judaism that prioritizes biblical authority over rabbinic interpretations.
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin reviewed Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' book "Not in God's Name: Confronting Religious Violence," highlighting a perceived belief in Jewish powerlessness that Rabbi Sacks refutes.
Rabbi Shmelke of Nikolsburg encountered the Angel of Death at the German border in the 1770s, warning him that spreading Hasidism in Western Europe would lead all Jews there to become Hasidim.
Rabbi Yehuda Amital's book "When God Is Near: On the High Holidays," adapted and edited by Rabbi Yoel Amital and translated by Karen Fish, captures the essence of Rav Amital's teachings at Yeshivat Har Etzion.
"Values Investing" by Jonathan Gross discusses the moral lessons found in the investment advice of Warren Buffett, reflecting on concepts such as honesty and respect in both finance and Torah.
Elissa Altman's memoir, "Treyf: My Life as an Orthodox Outlaw," delves into her complex relationship with her Jewish identity, family history, and food.
During the month of Elul, the Jewish tradition emphasizes reflection, repentance, and drawing closer to God in preparation for the High Holidays.
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the declining support for the Israeli left, questioning its strategies and future.

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