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The text discusses the reintroduction of Asiatic wild asses in Israel's Negev desert, where they play a crucial ecological role by dispersing seeds.
The text discusses how international law and institutions, such as the International Court of Justice, are deemed irrelevant and even harmful to Israel and the Jewish people's survival, claiming they are biased and antisemitic in their focus on Israel's actions.

Jewish Law

The text discusses the story of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai and the women in his life: his mother (Eishet Yohai), wife (Eishet Shimon), and daughter-in-law (Eishet Elazar).


In the North Dakota primary for the sole House seat, traditional Republican Julie Fedorchak and insurgent right-wing candidate Rick Becker are facing off, highlighting differing views on foreign policy.
The essay discusses how some Western organizations, including Jewish Voice for Peace, openly support terrorism, such as honoring convicted terrorists like Rasmea Odeh and Marwan Barghouti.
"No Labeling Anyone a Bad Jew" discusses the diversity within the contemporary Jewish community, exploring various perspectives on Jewish identity and the relationship with Israel.
The article argues against a comparison between Israel's conflict with Hamas and the UK's historical confrontation with the IRA.


The text discusses the author's realization of living near a World War II naval hero, Adm. Leon Kintberger, and reflects on his heroic actions in the Pacific.


Amid concerns about rising antisemitism in America, a Jewish pundit in Mishpacha Magazine suggests that while the acceptance of Jews in the country may be declining, the comparison to 1938 Germany is exaggerated.
The text discusses the concept of "backlash fatigue" within the Jewish community in relation to instances of negative behavior by Jewish individuals impacting perceptions of Jewish people as a whole.

Editors' Note

Welcome to JL;DR!
by Matt Sienkiewicz

Top Topics in Jewish Media

for May 20–May 27

  1. Hamas
  2. Jewish Community
  3. Gaza
  4. Donniel Hartman
  5. Yossi Klein Halevi
  6. Canada
  7. Jewish Identity
  8. Benjamin Netanyahu
  9. Toronto
  10. Neri Zilber

May 27's Short Reads

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