
Deborah E. Lipstadt's book "The Fire Now" delves into the pressing issue of contemporary anti-Semitism, drawing on her experiences and interactions with fictional characters to explore the manifestations of this hatred from both the Right and the Left.
University presidents like Melvin Oliver of Pitzer College, Martha Pollack of Cornell, and Mark Schlissel of the University of Michigan have recently pushed back against BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movements on their campuses, defending students' academic freedom and opposing singling out Israel for boycotts.
Former Senator Joe Lieberman, who shifted from being a Democrat to an Independent, stated in a radio interview that while the Democratic Party as a whole is not anti-Jewish, there are some individual members, like Rep. Ilhan Omar, who have expressed anti-Semitic views.
In February, seven British MPs left the Labour Party, with more following, due to what they labeled as institutional anti-Semitism within the party under leader Jeremy Corbyn since 2015.
In the wake of the tragic Pittsburgh massacre in 2018, major Orthodox organizations unequivocally condemned the attack but hesitated to denounce white nationalism as its cause, with some attributing this reluctance to the Orthodox support for Trump and right-wing politics.
Elad Nehorai, a 34-year-old former Hasid in Brooklyn, engaged with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter discussing Israel and anti-Semitism, leading to a phone conversation between them.
Rabbi David Rosen, Director of International Interreligious Affairs at AJC, recently attended meetings with Pope Francis and senior Church officials in the Vatican, discussing Catholic-Jewish relations and the forthcoming unsealing of WWII-era Church archives.
In Zohar Atkins' poem "Blackbirds," the symbolism of blackbirds is used metaphorically to address issues of anti-blackbirdism and anti-Semitism, as well as to explore themes of pride, shame, power, and chosenness within Jewish theology.
The text emphasizes the need for a strong response from the Jewish community towards anti-Semitic individuals like Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, advocating for a strategy based on the historical examples of British and French Jews who effectively combatted anti-Semitism in the 1930s.
Jeffrey Kopstein's book "Intimate Violence" examines the phenomenon of ethnic violence, focusing on pogroms against Jews in Poland to understand why such violence occurs.
In the book "Intimate Violence," co-author Jeffrey Kopstein explores the occurrence of ethnic violence, using pogroms against Jews in Poland as a case study to explain why and when such violence happens.
"A Night at the Garden" is a concise documentary capturing the chilling 1939 Nazi-themed rally by the German American Bund at Madison Square Garden, filled with propaganda, Nazi symbols, and anti-Semitic rhetoric.
Freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar faced backlash for promoting anti-Semitic stereotypes on Twitter, triggering a widespread condemnation and prompting an apology.
Mark Mellman of the Democratic Majority for Israel and Holly Huffnagle from the American Jewish Committee discuss the Democratic Party's stance on Israel and efforts to counter anti-Israel sentiments within the party.
Elan Carr has been appointed as the new anti-Semitism envoy by the Trump administration after a prolonged vacancy in the role.
On the Unorthodox podcast, Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post reporter Eli Saslow discusses his book "Rising out of Hatred," detailing Derek Black's transformation from a white nationalist to an advocate against the movement, influenced by friendships with diverse peers, including Jewish students who invited him to Shabbat dinners.
Jewish athletes, particularly in fencing, have a rich history that dates back to before WWII.
Progressive spaces, including environmentalist and LGBTQ movements, are increasingly exhibiting anti-Semitic sentiments, creating challenges for Jewish individuals engaged in social justice causes.
Reinhold Niebuhr, a prominent Christian theologian, initially supported missionary efforts to convert Jews to Christianity in the 1920s but later abandoned this stance influenced by the Detroit Jewish community's social activism and commitment to social justice.
The article discusses the complex relationship between Jews and whiteness in America, exploring the issue of Jews being perceived as white or not.
The author delves into the debate about whether European Jews should be considered white and discusses the complexities of Jewish identity and oppression.
Sholem Asch, a prominent Yiddish writer, stirred controversy with his Christian-themed novels, namely "The Nazarene" and "The Apostle," followed by "Mary."
Melanie Phillips' memoir "Guardian Angel" delves into her upbringing in postwar Britain, depicting a complex family dynamic where a strong but frail mother and a passive father shape her worldview.
The text discusses the rise of digital anti-Semitism, focusing on the evolution from ironic online memes to dangerous ideologies that fuel acts of violence like the 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting by Robert Bowers.
Pittsburgh's Jewish community, particularly in Squirrel Hill, was deeply affected by the tragic events of October 27, 2018, when a gunman attacked the Tree of Life synagogue.

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