
The text is a satirical and self-reflective account of an Israeli boy's perspective on Israel, its history, culture, conflicts, and his family's experiences.
The text features two poems related to the Holocaust: "Jewish Cemetery (Prague)" by Ida Gramcko and "Poetics" by Jacqueline Goldberg.
Rep. Steve Israel, a prominent Democratic Congressman from Long Island, has announced his decision to retire from Congress after eight terms.
These two poems by an unknown author express themes of love, death, and the power of mourning.
The text explores the journey of talmudic prodigies like Harry Austryn Wolfson who turned to studying Spinoza, focusing on the Ethics and its influence.
"The Muses of Bashevis Singer" is a documentary exploring Isaac Bashevis Singer's relationships with translators and women to solve his translation challenges.
Avraham Halfi, a lesser-known but influential Israeli poet whose works were often sung by Arik Einstein, is the subject of the recent documentary "Chayav melei shir: sipuro shel Avraham Halfi."
Maya Arad, a prominent Hebrew writer living outside Israel, creates novels that focus on the lives of the professional class rather than the typical big issues in Israeli literature like war or the Holocaust.
New York businessman Leon Black purchased a Daniel Bomberg Babylonian Talmud for $9.3 million at a recent Sothebys auction in New York, setting a new world record for Judaica sales.
Dr. Aviva Tal, a Yiddish literature professor at Bar-Ilan University, delves into the little-known topic of Jewish criminal activities in Interwar Poland, highlighting its significant role in Jewish society during that era.
OU Press is preparing several upcoming publications, including works focusing on Rabbi Soloveitchik's teachings.
This special Hanukkah-themed episode of Unorthodox celebrates the Festival of Lights with a focus on latkes, Adam Sandler's updated Hanukkah song, and discussions on how to maintain the essence of the holiday beyond just presents for children.
In celebration of Woody Allen's 80th birthday, various outlets have created rankings of his movies, showcasing different perspectives on his filmography.
Dr. Dara Barnat highlights Walt Whitman's impact on Jewish-American poets as they navigate their dual identity.
Dr. Omri Asscher discusses the "adaptation" of Israeli literature for American Jewish audiences with host Gilad Halpern, focusing on how translators and editors altered the literature to align with the worldview of American Jews.
Journalist and political scientist Elliot Jager discusses his book "The Pater: My Father, My Judaism, My Childlessness" with host Gilad Halpern, exploring the experience of being a childless Jewish man in modern times.
In the thirteenth episode of Unorthodox, Jewish guest Wayne Hoffman, executive editor of Tablet, discusses his latest novel "An Older Man," which follows Moe Pearlman in the gay scene of 1990s New York City.
The excerpt portrays a young boy on a school trip to a Holocaust museum where he grapples with his personal connection to the Holocaust.
In this episode of Unorthodox, hosted by Mark Oppenheimer with Tablet staffers Stephanie Butnick and Liel Leibovitz, Amy Schumer's book deal, Ralph Lauren's resignation, and Mahmoud Abbas's U.N. speech are discussed.
In episode 67 of TanakhCast, the focus is on a discussion of four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, spanning from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, emphasizing patience in the process.
In TanakhCast #66: The Spolia Opima Edition, a podcast series explores 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, progressing from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
The text talks about God's promise to David, anointing him from the lineage of Jesse, sustaining his authority through spreading praise globally, establishing his name as everlasting, elevating him above all nations despite initial rejection, and crowning him with glory as the splendor of all nations.
John J. Clayton, a prolific writer known for his engaging novels and short stories, particularly in his recent collection "Many Seconds into the Future: Ten Stories," which includes his acclaimed "Commentary Tales."
The discussion revolves around various perspectives on King David in Jewish history and biblical literature.
"Letters to Vra" by Vladimir Nabokov, translated and edited by Olga Voronina and Brian Boyd, offers a window into the passionate and vulnerable side of Nabokov through his love letters to his wife, Vra.

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