
"The Cookbook Collector" by Goodman is a novel set during the late 1990s and early 2000s in California, intertwining themes of love, work, risk, and Jewish identity.
The "Letters, Summer 2010" from the Jewish Review of Books features discussions on various topics.
In the essay "No Jewish Narnias: A Reply," the author discusses the absence of deeply Jewish fantasy literature comparable to the Christian-influenced works of Tolkien and Lewis.
"The Prophet's Wife" is a review of Milton Steinberg's works, particularly focusing on his novel "As a Driven Leaf" and his unfinished manuscript "The Prophet's Wife."
The text provided is not sufficient to generate a summary as it does not contain any content related to the article "Crumbs Genesis".
The Jewish Review of Books aims to fill a gap in thoughtful and accessible Jewish criticism and commentary amid an abundance of Jewish publications.
Isaac Rosenfeld, a mid-century American Jewish intellectual known for his essays, novels, and cultural criticism, is explored in Steven Zipperstein's biography "Rosenfeld's Lives."
The book "These Mountains: Selected Poems of Rivka Miriam" translated by Linda Zisquit showcases the disciplined and imagistic poetry of Rivka Miriam, a prodigy born in Jerusalem to a family deeply affected by the Holocaust.
Michael Carasik has produced The Commentators' Bible series, focusing on Exodus and Leviticus, an ambitious project attempting to replicate the centuries-old experience of reading Mikraot Gedolot in English.
The essay delves into the lack of prominent Jewish writers in the fantasy genre and explores the absence of profoundly Jewish works in modern fantasy akin to Christian allegories like C.S. Lewis's "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe."
Rebecca Newberger Goldstein's novel, "36 Arguments for the Existence of God," follows psychology professor Cass Seltzer, who gains fame for debunking 36 reasons for believing in God.
Aharon Appelfeld's novel "Blooms of Darkness" explores the experiences of a Jewish child, Hugo, in war-torn Europe during the Holocaust.
The autobiography of Rabbi Jacob Emden, a sage and heresy-hunter in the 18th century, is highlighted in this text.
Tu B'Shevat, the Jewish New Year for trees, is a holiday celebrating nature, but unlike romantic poets like Wordsworth who revere nature for its own sake, Jewish texts view nature as a manifestation of God's artistry.
The article discusses the life and work of Ed Lacy, a successful mystery writer known for his pulp fiction novels featuring big-breasted blondes and violent confrontations.
Mitch Albom, a former member of Temple Beth Shalom's USY chapter, became a successful author after his early days as a musician in a band.
Yom Kippur, a holiday filled with reflections on mortality, often sees children hurried out of the Yizkor service by parents wanting to shield them from discussions on death.
Yossi Huttler's poem "Rishon LeCheshbon" reflects on the significance of a bar mitzvah occurring during Succos, a time of accountability and introspection.
Yossi Huttler, author of Lakol Zman: A Poetical Journey Through The Jewish Year, reflects on his temporary sukkah as a rustic weeklong shelter, expressing reassurance in God's presence symbolized by a milky vapor trail of His chariot.
Paul Auster's latest book, "Winter Journal," delves into his personal history, covering themes of aging, death, and love, particularly focusing on his mother's passing.
Simkha-Bunim Shayevitch, a talented but little-known Jewish writer, lived in Lodz ghetto during WWII.
Herman Melville, known for his novel Moby-Dick, faced disappointment and financial struggles in the aftermath of its poor reception.
The article discusses a critique of Roger Waters' The Wall concert by Liel Leibovitz, highlighting the idea that adolescence eventually comes to an end, referencing the love for Pink Floyd shared during youth.
Vassily Grossman, a Jewish writer recognized for his dissent against Stalin and Hitler's regimes, is portrayed in a new biography as someone who once adhered to Marxist-Leninist dogma.
Jennifer Weiner, a prominent author in the chick lit genre, challenges the criticism and lack of recognition faced by female authors compared to their male counterparts.

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