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Hebrew Union College's decision to admit and ordain students in interfaith relationships marks a significant shift in American Judaism, acknowledging the reality of the community it serves.
Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum has led Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, the largest LGBTQ+ synagogue in the nation, for 32 years and has built it into a thriving inclusive community advocating for social justice.
Despite facing challenges and uncertainties as LGBTQ+ Jews, the writer reflects on the fear of not belonging in both the Jewish and LGBTQ+ communities.
In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech during a time of intense turmoil, like the current challenges faced by the Jewish community.
A woman shares her emotional and challenging journey through infertility and the lack of support she felt from the Jewish community while trying to conceive.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently accused the Biden administration of withholding weapons shipments to Israel, a claim the administration denied being aware of.
Despite a coercive Chief Rabbinate in Israel, a trend is emerging where some secular Israelis are voluntarily adopting religious customs such as wearing tzitzit, baking challah, or lighting Shabbat candles in response to the war in Gaza.
Armenia's decision to recognize Palestine, becoming the 145th country to do so, has sparked a diplomatic rift with Israel due to the complex history between the two nations.
The text discusses the dynamics of strength and weakness in the Middle East, particularly in relation to Israel and Hezbollah.


Patis, a popular kosher bakery chain in NYC known for its high-quality pastries and urban cafe culture, has filed for bankruptcy after facing difficulties sustaining its rapid growth since 2018.


The upcoming primary battle in New York's 16th district between Rep. Jamaal Bowman and centrist George Latimer is significant for Israel's position within the Democratic Party.
In a recent law passed in Louisiana, the requirement for public schools to display the Ten Commandments has sparked discussion among Jewish Louisianans due to the varied depictions and translations of the commandments.
Tracy Brazg's essay in the Seattle Times highlighted her experiences as a progressive Zionist feeling isolated due to the polarized discourse surrounding Israel-Palestine conflicts.
Ben Stiller, inspired by his Jewish upbringing and work as a UN goodwill ambassador, penned an op-ed calling for an end to the conflict in Israel and Gaza, condemning terrorism and antisemitism, advocating for a two-state solution, and emphasizing the need for peace and safety for both Palestinians and Israelis.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) in New York have been embroiled in controversy for promoting an event that drew backlash for glorifying violence against Israel and spreading antisemitic messages.


Columbia University has suspended three administrators for sending disparaging text messages during a panel about Jewish campus life.
The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures' exhibit, "Hollywoodland: Jewish Founders and the Making of a Movie Capital," faced criticism for allegedly demonizing Jewish Hollywood founders by highlighting their flaws such as nepotism and womanizing.
Samuel Woodward, on trial for the murder of Jewish college student Blaze Bernstein, testified that he killed Bernstein in a panic after thinking Bernstein was going to out him for being gay.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has released updated campus antisemitism report cards, incorporating recent events like pro-Palestinian activism, with some schools' grades changing.


Shaina Taub, creator of the musical "Suffs," recently quoted Rabbi Tarfon's famous Talmudic wisdom "You are not obliged to finish the work, but neither are you free to desist from it" at the Tony Awards, sparking reflection on its relevance in various contexts.


During World War II, Gilberto Bosques, as head of the Mexican Consulate in France, played a crucial role in helping leftists and Jews escape persecution by issuing exit visas and providing shelter in Marseille.
"Unspoken" is a debut film by Jeremy Borison, depicting the journey of a young Modern Orthodox Jewish teenager, Noam, as he navigates his coming out and coming of age experiences.


Ryan Warsofsky has become the NHL's first Jewish head coach in 32 years, leading the San Jose Sharks, making him the youngest active coach in the league.


Louisiana recently passed a law mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in every classroom of public schools and colleges, making it the only state with such a requirement.
Louisiana recently passed a bill requiring public classrooms to display the Ten Commandments, sparking concerns about the separation of religion and state.


Daphne Lazar Price, the executive director of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA), spoke at a conference about supporting women in the Orthodox community.


The essay explores the Palestinian perspective of the Nakba, the displacement of approximately 750,000 Arabs during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.

Jewish Law

Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed a law requiring Ten Commandments posters in all public school classrooms, sparking controversy and potential legal challenges on grounds of violating the Establishment Clause.

Editors' Note

Welcome to JL;DR!
by Matt Sienkiewicz

Top Topics in Jewish Media

for June 15–June 22

  1. Jewish Community
  2. Hamas
  3. Jewish History
  4. Jewish Library
  5. Hezbollah
  6. Social Media
  7. Holocaust
  8. Gaza
  9. Jewish Identity
  10. Jewish Values

June 22's Short Reads

Recent podcast episodes

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Is Biden Sneaking Past Trump?
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Why Is Biden Impeding Israel?
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Israel's Deadly Weekend, Biden's Sad One
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Border Bungles and Smashing Anti-Semitism
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Will Trump Stuff a Bean Up His Nose?
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Bibi's House of Cards - with special guest Rivka Ravitz
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Jewish Head Coverings: A Blessing On Your Head
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The Center Must Hold
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Kiss and Tell
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