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Kosher-certified dining options in Melbourne, Australia are plentiful, with the Kosher Australia app making it easy to locate approved products and establishments.


Ceasefire talks in Gaza have been stalled despite a three-step proposal by President Biden that Hamas seems receptive to, with Israel expressing doubts.
David Lammy, the current shadow foreign secretary in Britain, has a strong relationship with the Jewish community, particularly in North London, and has been supportive of Israel through Labour Friends of Israel (LFI).
Washington State Sen. Emily Randall, a leading Democratic candidate in the states 6th Congressional District, fired her campaign manager after reports of pro-Hamas social media activity.
A critique in the "Future of Jewish" newsletter questions the feasibility of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that most Israelis fear a Palestinian state would become a terror-supporting entity while Palestinians lean more towards armed struggle than a two-state solution.
The text delves into the competing philosophies guiding Israel's response to the Hamas-led October 7th attacks, with one side emphasizing Israel's responsibility for strategic miscalculations and the need to address the situation, while the other calls for urgent action and focuses on dealing with the threat posed by Hamas and Iran.
At a rally for Rep. Jamaal Bowman in the Bronx with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, criticism of Israel and AIPAC was prominent, with calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, objections to AIPAC's support for Bowmans opponent, and disagreements over Israels actions in the Israel-Hamas conflict.


In the Torah, unique bracket-shaped markings known as inverted nuns are found surrounding Numbers 10:35-36, evolving over 2000 years with various interpretations.


For over 2,000 years, asparagus has been considered a prized vegetable, with historical significance in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and among Jews as mentioned in the Babylonian Talmud.


Survivors and community members gather at the site of the deadliest antisemitic attack in U.S. history at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.
The article explores the multifaceted relationship between Jewish figures and the iconic character of Donald Duck, examining how different individuals, from Russian director Sergei Eisenstein to American comedian Sid Caesar, utilized Donald Duck for various purposes, including as a vehicle for teaching moral and propaganda lessons during and after World War II.

Jewish Law

Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, a Reconstructionist rabbi, expresses empathy for LGBTQ individuals but opposes normalization of LGBTQ lifestyles, citing biblical values and the Torah's teachings.


The text discusses the dichotomy between two forms of Torah Judaism throughout Jewish history, highlighting the shift from a Judaism for a sovereign nation to one for a scattered minority.
The article discusses the need to reclaim Zionism for the center ground amid controversies in the Jewish community.


In the 1940s, Jewish scholars at YIVO in New York planned a museum called "Muzey fun di alte heyman" focusing on the Jews of Eastern Europe, as they realized their world was disappearing due to World War II.

Editors' Note

Welcome to JL;DR!
by Matt Sienkiewicz

Top Topics in Jewish Media

for June 17–June 24

  1. Jewish Community
  2. Hamas
  3. Jewish History
  4. Jewish Library
  5. Hezbollah
  6. Holocaust
  7. Jewish Identity
  8. Social Media
  9. Gaza
  10. Benjamin Netanyahu

June 24's Short Reads

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Bibi's House of Cards - with special guest Rivka Ravitz
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Jewish Head Coverings: A Blessing On Your Head
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