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Jewish Law

The discussion delves into the Torah's teachings on military ethics, particularly in the context of Israel's past conflicts.
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, a respected posek, educator, and community rabbi who interacts with soldiers, shares insights on halachic dilemmas faced by soldiers during wartime.
The book "Reclaiming Dignity: A Guide to Tzniut for Men and Women" explores the concept of tzeniut (modesty) from various perspectives, beyond just clothing, as a mitzvah and character trait.
A personal reflection on embracing the mitzvah of tzeniut (modesty) as a transformative journey from external appearance to internal qualities, shaping behavior and fostering mindfulness in observance of other mitzvot.
In the discussion of public and private behavior on social media platforms like Instagram, the article highlights the trend of vulnerability posts, where individuals share personal emotions and experiences publicly.
Lab-grown meat, also known as clean or synthetic meat, is meat grown in a lab from animal cells.
The tradition of boiling at least three eggs at a time to nullify blood spots is not explicitly mentioned in halachic sources like the Shulchan Aruch.
Rabbi Mattisyahu Rosenblum's book "Rays of Wisdom: Torah insights that light up our understanding of the world" delves into the legacy of Rabbi Moshe Shapira, highlighting his profound Torah teachings and intellectual impact beyond the yeshivah world.
For those seeking intellectually stimulating summer reads, OU Press suggests the following titles: "The Return to Zion" by Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik presents his keynote addresses on Religious Zionism and American Orthodoxy, offering timeless insights on Jewish destiny.
In a sponsored post on Jewish values by Rabbi David Jaffe and Yehudah Webster, the ongoing practice of justice and equity is highlighted as fundamental in Judaism, emphasizing the Torah's instructions to care for the vulnerable, share resources, and oppose oppression.
The author describes her journey of discovering Orthodoxy and halacha, starting with a fascination with the moon and the interconnectedness of Jewish women's power to the universe.


Rabbi Shlomo Sobol, a prominent figure in the Jewish community, addresses various challenges faced by congregants during wartime, including soldiers' dilemmas about weddings, honesty with parents, and questions of faith.
Miriam Neumark Shalev, head of the Tziporit military bases chevra kadisha unit for women, discusses the work of the IDF chevra kadishas womens unit in preparing fallen female soldiers for Jewish burial, especially in the wake of the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack.
Amidst the Israel-Gaza conflict, a surge in miluimot – women with children whose husbands are serving in the IDF as reservists – has been noted, with increased challenges due to longer, scarier wars where communication is often limited.
David Olivestone, a resident of Jerusalem, reflects on life in Israel during a period of war, highlighting the delicate balance between maintaining normalcy and being surrounded by reminders of conflict.
A group of rabbis, including Rebecca Alpert, met with the UN Secretary General to support the call for a ceasefire in Gaza and criticized Israel's actions.
The OU Israel established Makom Balev and the Oraita Program to provide programming for Israeli teens, particularly those in economically-disadvantaged areas, giving them leadership skills and guidance to succeed.
Israeli prosecutors are urged to offer Benjamin Netanyahu a plea deal to resolve the corruption charges against him and prevent his far-right coalition partners from pushing reckless policies that endanger Israel's strategic interests.
The text discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, highlighting Hamas's aim to eliminate Israel and create a region free of Jews.
The text discusses different perspectives on Israel, highlighting how mainstream media oversimplifies Israel's portrayal, focusing excessively on conflict and neglecting societal advancements.


The article explores the concept of noticing what is not seen, using the analogy from Sherlock Holmes' story "The Adventure of Silver Blaze."
Social media presents a significant challenge in maintaining modesty, especially in terms of self-promotion and sharing personal content.
Rebbetzin Ruchi Koval, a kiruv professional and social media influencer, discusses her use of technology to share Torah content and snippets of her personal life authentically.
Tamar Zinnar, a young woman from New York, created the Bat Melech Boutique to provide free and low-cost modest clothing to young women embracing tzeniut.
The text explores the concept of tzenius (modesty) and its implications for communal leaders, particularly focusing on the multifaceted nature of tzenius in Jewish thought.
The letters from the summer 2024 issue discuss various topics in the Jewish community.
Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal reflects on the Jewish value of equity and the miracle of creation, emphasizing that although humans are made in the same image, we are all unique individuals with diverse qualities and talents.
The text discusses the Jewish perspective on inclusion, equity, and justice, particularly in the context of recent debates within the community.
Rabbis Sandra Lawson and Deborah Waxman discuss the importance of embracing complexity and diversity within the Jewish community, highlighting the marginalization of Sephardic, Mizrahi, Black, and brown Jewish narratives.
In 1992, a symposium on Orthodox unity addressed significant halakhic issues and challenges facing the Jewish community, including internal divisions, outreach, women's Torah study, and community unity.
Willie Mays, a baseball legend facing financial struggles in 1963, found a savior in Jacob Shemano, a Jewish banker, which blossomed into a lifelong friendship that bridged cultural divides.
Rabbi Nechemia Coopersmith of discusses the impact of October 7, a significant date in Jewish history, on kiruv efforts and Jewish identity.
The Accelerate Conference of Financial Professionals brought together individuals in the bookkeeping, accounting, and CFO industries who are typically competitors but showed a genuine willingness to help each other.


A seasoned educator reflects on the evolution of teaching modesty (tzenius) to high school students, emphasizing a shift towards inner values and personal growth as opposed to solely focusing on outward appearance.
Dr. Zipora Schorr, director of education at Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School in Baltimore, discusses a new approach to teaching tzeniut (modesty) to a diverse student body, aiming for relevance and practicality while maintaining fidelity to Jewish law and values.
Gila Ross, an educator and podcaster, discusses the importance of accountability and thoughtful engagement on social media in a piece for a Jewish media outlet.


Tzenius, often translated as modesty, holds a deeper meaning revolving around an inner focus on spirituality and self-worth.


Rabbi Benjamin Yablok of Teaneck, New Jersey, holds a unique collection of Jewish historical treasures in his home, ranging from Temple times to the present day.
The article reflects on the Jewish people's historical struggles with external conflicts and internal turmoil, drawing parallels between the Israelites' journey in the wilderness and contemporary challenges.
David Shrayer-Petrov, a refusenik from the Soviet Union who found literary freedom in America, passed away at 88 after facing antisemitic persecution.
The article describes a cycling trip through Lower Silesia, Poland, with The Slow Cyclist travel company.
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reflects on the significance of Juneteenth, marking the day the last slaves in the Confederacy were freed in Galveston Bay, Texas, in 1865.


This article highlights the joys of outdoor cooking and entertaining, particularly in the summer months.
The author reflects on the disappointment of her cookbook, "Portico," not winning a James Beard Media Award despite high hopes and extensive efforts.
The New York Times has highlighted 11 Jewish sandwiches that define NYC's culinary scene, showcasing a variety of iconic and innovative creations.


In "Giving: The Essential Teaching of the Kabbalah," Rabbi Yehuda Lev Ashlag's insights are presented by Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Gottlieb, focusing on Kabbalistic aspects of giving and human perfection according to Torah.


Rabbi Doron Perez's book "The Jewish State: From Opposition to Opportunity" explores the rise of anti-Zionism and offers solutions for Israel to serve as a positive influence globally while promoting Jewish unity.
As Congress faces the summer recess and the upcoming election, there are concerns within the Jewish community about the stalled progress of two major antisemitism bills, the Antisemitism Awareness Act (AAA) and the Countering Antisemitism Act (CAA), in Congress.
In response to Wikipedia labeling the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as generally unreliable regarding the Israel-Palestinian conflict and antisemitism, there is a call for self-reflection within the ADL.
In this personal reflection, Josh Katz shares his decision to take down his "We Stand With Israel" lawn sign due to increasing concerns about tribalism and the divisive consequences it can have.
Within Our Lifetime is a hardline pro-Palestinian activist group known for organizing protests against Israel in New York City.
Wikipedia editors have labeled the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as generally unreliable on Israeli-Palestinian matters and antisemitism, arguing that the organization's pro-Israel stance may bias its reporting.
In a time when antisemitism is on the rise, the fight against this hatred is crucial to defending democracy and the safety of all communities.


In this reflection on the importance of positive feedback and recognizing strengths, Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph shares a personal story of how a friend's simple acknowledgment of his talents helped him through a dark time of self-doubt.


The author reflects on their evolving relationship with Pride events, from feeling empowered and accepted at their first Pride festival to experiencing discomfort and isolation following conflicting views at later events.


The text discusses the allegations made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the Biden administration is withholding arms shipments to Israel, leading to a depiction of Netanyahu as delusional by American officials.
The text discusses how certain intellectuals and academics have historically viewed working-class and rural Americans as threats to American society and democracy, comparing them to Nazis and portraying them as authoritarian and dangerous.
Eugene Vindman, a former White House official whose Jewish Ukrainian background was highlighted during Trump's first impeachment trial, won the Democratic congressional primary in Virginia's 7th District.
The Labour Party, under the leadership of Sir Keir Starmer, has committed to proscribe Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a move that would represent a significant policy test on antisemitism.
The situation on Israel's northern border with Hezbollah remains tense despite a recent lull in attacks, highlighting the ongoing threat.
Edward Luttwak criticizes what he calls "Obama's Law," which dictates that Iran can attack others but cannot be attacked itself, leading to chaos and warfare in the Middle East.
On October 7, a terrorist attack on Israeli civilians by Hamas revealed extreme brutality against women, including rape, mutilation, and murder.
During a secretly recorded conversation at a Supreme Court dinner, Justice Samuel Alito expressed his personal views as a conservative Catholic, affirming the need for a return to "G-dliness."
The article discusses the concept of the White Savior Complex within activism, particularly focusing on advocacy for Palestinians.


Matan Adelson, the youngest son of Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, has taken on the challenge of transforming Hapoel Jerusalem into a prominent force in Israeli basketball and potentially an international brand.


In Salman Rushdie's "Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder," he reflects on his experience of being stabbed during a talk in Buffalo and the subsequent recovery process.

Editors' Note

Welcome to JL;DR!
by Matt Sienkiewicz

Top Topics in Jewish Media

for June 13–June 20

  1. Jewish Community
  2. Hamas
  3. Gaza
  4. Jewish History
  5. Jewish Identity
  6. Holocaust
  7. Jewish Library
  8. Israeli Palestinian Conflict
  9. Zionism
  10. Hezbollah

June 20's Short Reads

Recent podcast episodes

Israel's Deadly Weekend, Biden's Sad One
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Border Bungles and Smashing Anti-Semitism
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Will Trump Stuff a Bean Up His Nose?
19 Jun · The Commentary Magazine Podcast