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Maxwell Smart, a 93-year-old Holocaust survivor, recounts his harrowing experience of hiding from the Nazis in the forest for a year as a young boy in a new film adaptation based on his book.
The Pickles Review, led by Lord Pickles, has revealed a cover-up by British authorities regarding war crimes on Alderney, involving atrocities against various nationalities, including French Jews like Robert Perelstein.
The text delves into the perplexing question of how seemingly normal individuals in 1930s Germany could accept and even enjoy life amid the genocide of Jews during the Holocaust.
Set in Nazi-occupied Paris in 1941, "Farewell, Mr. Haffmann," a French language film directed by Fred Cavay, portrays a morally complex narrative surrounding a Jewish jeweler, Joseph Haffmann, who entrusts his store to his non-Jewish employee, Franois Mercier, as he tries to escape.
Ted Comet, a revered figure in the Jewish community, turns 100 and is celebrated for his significant contributions over 75 years to Jewish communal organizations and events.


The article argues that it's time for American Jews to recognize the State of Palestine to advance the peace process between Israel and Palestinians.
The article argues that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are successfully applying unique operational tactics in Gaza to achieve their strategic aims of defeating Hamas and securing the border.
The documentary "Mourning in Lod" explores the interconnected stories of two murders in Israel in May 2021, where a Jewish man, Yigal Yehoshua, was killed by Arab rioters and his family donated his organs to an Arab woman, Randa Aweis.
Artist Leah Luria, based in Ramat Bet Shemesh, shifted her focus from painting Israeli landscapes to fundraising for those affected by the recent Hamas attacks, supporting widows, orphans, and struggling artists in Israel.
A recent study from the Hebrew University's Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science, and Nutrition reveals that Israel has been consistently supplying sufficient food and humanitarian aid to Gaza since January, with an average of 124 trucks entering per day, providing 3,211 calories of nutrition per Gazan daily.
Norway, Spain, and Ireland have announced their official recognition of a Palestinian state, emphasizing the importance of reviving the prospects for a two-state solution and criticizing Israel's stance against Palestinian statehood.
President Biden's recent actions regarding arms sales to Israel have raised questions about his stance on the country's defense.
The Nova Music Festival Exhibition serves as a poignant commemoration of the tragic massacre that occurred during the festival in Israel.
The author, a Roman Catholic American with experience in the Middle East, reflects on the contrast between Israel and its neighbors, highlighting Israel's democracy, respect for human rights, and diversity despite its imperfections.
Rabbi Mishael Zion reflects on the idea of when it might be time to leave Israel amidst ongoing security concerns, expressing a deep commitment to the country despite internal and external threats.
Noah Feldman's book "To Be a Jew Today" delves into the complexities of Jewish identity, moving beyond denominational labels to explore four distinct Jewish attitudes towards God: Traditionalists, Evolutionists, Progressives, and Godless Jews.


Nellie Bowles' "Morning After the Revolution" discusses the failures and absurdities of progressive movements following George Floyd's killing, critiquing aspects of wokeism like performative activism and inconsistent ideologies.
Former President Donald Trump has been linked to Hitler and the Nazis through various incidents and statements since his 2016 campaign.
Student protesters at the University of Illinois campus in Chicago are rallying not only for a free Palestine but also for broader issues impacting Americans, such as reproductive rights, gun violence, food insecurity, and housing.
A recent poll among New Yorkers revealed that while 72% support the right to peaceful pro-Palestinian protests regarding the Gaza conflict, 70% think these demonstrations have turned into antisemitism and required police intervention.
Israeli educators, both Palestinian and Jewish, are facing suspensions, firings, and legal action for expressing critical views on Israel's actions in the Gaza war, support for Palestinian resistance, and other contentious issues.
The discussion in "A Tragedy is Unfolding in Gaza" acknowledges the destruction and suffering in Gaza resulting from Israeli responses to terror attacks.
The text discusses a growing anti-Jewish sentiment on American university campuses where identitarian groups and Islamists have formed an alliance under the guise of organizations like Students for Justice in Palestine, aiming to push Jews off campuses.
Karim Khan, the new prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, initially focused on investigating crimes by groups like Daesh and the Taliban, avoiding scrutiny of Western nations.
The article discusses Israel's recent decision to confiscate video equipment used by the Associated Press (AP) near Gaza, under the guise of national security concerns.
The article discusses the outrage over the International Criminal Court seeking arrest warrants for leaders of both Hamas and Israel.
Hamas's brutal terrorist attack on October 7 has paradoxically garnered significant support for the Palestinian cause, particularly among top Democratic policymakers and the Western world, leading to a push for Palestinian statehood and increased demonization of Israel.


Jewish college students share reflections on facing anti-Semitism on campuses across the U.S. triggered by the Hamas attacks of Oct. 7.


Pro-Palestinian encampment protesters at universities, including Drexel and UC Santa Cruz, are calling for their schools to sever ties with Hillel and Chabad chapters, accusing them of complicity in Israeli actions.
A recent poll in New York State revealed that while a majority of New Yorkers support peaceful demonstrations for those suffering in Gaza and an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict, they believe recent pro-Palestinian protests on campuses crossed into antisemitism and justified police intervention.
Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America, has named 18 American women as exceptional Zionists in a diverse list that includes individuals from various backgrounds and professions, such as actress Debra Messing and poet Tova Ricardo.
Campus protests concerning Israel/Palestine have unfolded at universities nationwide, involving Gaza Solidarity Encampments, student arrests, clashes with administrations, and incidents of antisemitism and islamophobia.
Over 60 Jewish organizations from across the political spectrum have united to support the Countering Antisemitism Act, which aims to establish a national coordinator to combat rising antisemitism in the U.S.
Ahead of a congressional hearing where Rutgers University's president was due to address campus antisemitism, Jewish staff and students expressed concerns about an intimidating environment for Jews on campus, citing disruptions, anti-Israel protests, and incidents of antisemitism.
In response to rising antisemitism in the fashion industry following the Hamas atrocities, a community of Jewish individuals, including influencer Benji Park and designer Vjera Furman, have faced backlash, lost followers, and received hate messages for openly supporting Israel and wearing Jewish symbols like the kippah and the Magen David.
"Tokyo Vice" season two on BBC1 continues to captivate viewers with its depiction of Japan's criminal underworld through the eyes of Jake Adelstein, a Jewish American journalist who breaks into the insular world of Japanese journalism to expose yakuza criminality.
In a discussion about Jewish anxiety and antisemitism, the author emphasizes that while there is a concerning spike in antisemitism today, it is not comparable to the Holocaust era as it is not state-sanctioned.
Eric Gertler, CEO and chairman of U.S. News & World Report, has successfully steered the company from print to online platforms, making it a trusted source for important decision-making.
Since his antisemitism scandal, NBA star Kyrie Irving has not only moved to the Dallas Mavericks but has also helped elevate the team to the Western Conference Finals.
The text features first-hand accounts from three Jewish students, Noa Fay, Meirav Solomon, and Zack Singerman, who experienced campus protests related to Israel and Palestine at Columbia University, Tufts University, and The Jewish Theological Seminary.

Jewish Law

Rabbi Dr. Shai Held's book "Judaism is about Love" delves into the distinction between two types of love in Judaism: ahavah rabbah (abundant, passionate love) and ahavat olam (abiding, eternal love).
Renowned posek Rav Moshe Brandsdorfer discusses the halachic aspects of Lag BaOmer, addressing a query about visiting Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai's kever in Meron.


Israeli pop star Mergui, known for his standout performances on Next Star for Eurovision and his hit songs, recently debuted on the Today show with his new English EP "Shadows of Blue."


The article highlights several new Jewish books worth celebrating.


An opera called "The Great Dictionary of the Yiddish Language" brings to life the story of Yudel Mark and Max Weinreich, who spent 25 years working on a Yiddish dictionary that remained incomplete.


The discussion delves into the traditional theodicy in Judaism, questioning the belief that bad events occur as a result of sin.
Minnesota Timberwolves guard Anthony Edwards has coined a new, slightly NSFW tagline for tourism in Minnesota, "Bring ya ass to Minnesota," after their victory, drawing parallels to the biblical story of Balaam and his talking donkey in Numbers.


The arrival of New York-style bagels in the UK has introduced the popular "everything bagel," a plain white bagel coated in a mix of sesame, poppy seed, onion, garlic, and salt.
The article discusses the author's enthusiasm for cherries and introduces a recipe for Sweet Cherry Quick Jam.
Lehrhaus, a Jewish tavern and house of learning based in Somerville, Massachusetts, has gained significant acclaim and popularity since its opening, including being named among the best new restaurants in America.


The Jewish community in Florida mourns the tragic death of 15-year-old Ella Riley Adler, a talented dancer and granddaughter of Michael Adler, the U.S. ambassador to Belgium.
The text discusses concerns over the teaching of gender and sexuality in Jewish educational settings, including references to the existence of multiple genders, the intersection of gender ideology and Jewish life, and the influence of organizations like KeshetUK.
Whitney Weathers, a Black Christian woman working in the Jewish nonprofit sector as a diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice practitioner, reflects on her journey and learnings.
Reb Mendel Rubin discusses the rich history of his family's connection to Reb Shayale of Kerestir, a revered figure whose descendants are known as Reb Shayale's einiklach.


Idris Elba surprises audiences by praising gefilte fish in the Knuckles series on Paramount+, where he voices Knuckles the Echidna alongside Adam Pally's character, Wade Whipple, a Jewish police sheriff.


Guernsey, a picturesque island off the coast of Normandy, entices visitors with its beautiful coastline, wildlife, and relaxed atmosphere.
"Replay: Past and Present" discusses Jordan Mechner's works, focusing on his 1997 game The Last Express featuring a Jewish character, Anna, and his graphic memoir Replay.
During the period between Passover and Shavuot known as The Omer, marked by counting 49 days, parallels are drawn between historical tragedies and current events, particularly highlighting the plight of hostages in Gaza.

Editors' Note

Welcome to JL;DR!
by Matt Sienkiewicz

Top Topics in Jewish Media

for May 16–May 23

  1. Hamas
  2. Donniel Hartman
  3. Yossi Klein Halevi
  4. Gaza
  5. Jewish Community
  6. Neri Zilber
  7. Tablet Studios
  8. Israel Policy Forum
  9. Benjamin Netanyahu
  10. Jewish Identity

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